Cardiac Cath Question

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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2005
Athens, Ohio
My valve replacement / aortic aneurysm fix has been scheduled for September 12th at the Cleveland Clinic. I am so appreciative of all the information and encouragement offered on this site. I feel like it really helped me to have the courage to push my cardiologist for a surgical referral earlier than he had planned (you know how it goes - he's a valve guy and wants to wait as long as possible, but I'm worried about playing Russian roulette with a 4.7cm aneurysm. Understandable, but still frustrating.)

Anyway, the reason I'm posting is that I'm scheduled for a cardiac cath at the end of the month and am curious about how they decide where to insert it. Everything I read says either the arm or groin, with the recovery from an arm insertion sounding much easier, quicker, etc. but I can't find anything that says how they choose which to use. I get much less anxious if I know what to expect, so I'm hoping one of you knows the answer (as you so often seem to! :) ) Thanks! Kate
It depends on what area of the heart they want to see. They almost always use the groin because if you have a TEE (And you will because your having surgery), they can see what they need to see as if going from the arm site. Now if they want to measure pressures, they may do both, but it's highly unlikely.
Just been there, done that!!

Just been there, done that!!

Kate, I just arrived home from the CCF 4 days ago after mitral valve repair and the maze procedure. The heart cath was so different from the one I had locally in 1999! Because I am allergic to contrast dye they gave me meds to take the nite before and that morning. With the first cath. I had to lie flat for sooooo long with a sandbag on my groin and it was murder on my back; with this one they now put a plug in it and your procedure goes so smoothly. (When my hubby was brought into the next room he thought he had hit the jackpot--there was a nurse up on the gurney with her knee in his groin.) The only time I was really angry was when a nurse (male) told me to stop watching it and moved the monitor so I couldn't see it. I gave him a couple of pats on the cheek but I wanted to slug him!!! Some people just have to be "in charge". The next day when I met my surgeon he was able to bring the whole procedure up on his monitor and watch it so I got to see some of it then.

Did you get your packet in the mail from them? If not, you will and there will be lots of good info there, explaining everything you will be experiencing, all about your doctor's resumes, etc. In fact, there is a whole booklet on heart cath alone.

Imagine, the plug itself is registered and you are given a paper to carry around with you in case you run into a need for other health care services. Of course that area will look like you've been run over by a truck, beautiful technicolor!

Best wishes; you'll be in good hands. God bless, Barb :D :D :D
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Thank you so much for taking the time to respond when you are so recently home from surgery! I hope your recovery is going well. It sounds like from your answer and from Ross' that I should plan on a leg insertion (what I'm planning I couldn't really say - it's not as if I'll do anything different with this information!) Still, it's a comfort to know what to expect.

It's outrageous that nurse told you not to look - I can't imagine who he thinks has more right to see inside your body than you! I'm glad your Dr. showed you at least.

Take care, Kate
Do not allow them to use the vein in your arm (elbow)

Do not allow them to use the vein in your arm (elbow)

Hello Kate,

The one and only cath I had was done through my arm (near the elbow).
The angiogram (through an artery) was fine. The right heart catheterization (through the vein) resulted in the vein being tied shut--permanently. I can't say whether the cardiologist was too old or just plain incompetent--he no longer does caths. To make matters worse he didn't tell me.

Following the cath I was discharged before I felt well enough to leave the hospital. There was a very large pool of blood beside the bed and I think I lost a lot of blood and that contributed to the general feeling of malaise and weakness I experienced. As a matter of fact I had to go to a second hospital on my way home--blood was oozing from the sutured wound.

I don't know if every cath totally damages the vein or I am the exception. The very fact no one told me leads me to believe the cardiologist made a mistake but there is no way of knowing for sure.

If I had to have a second cath (God forbid) I don't know what I'd do. It would have to be the groin. As a matter of fact I think the arm procedure is very, very out of date being replaced by the groin method.

I wish there had been someone to inform me prior to the vein cath.

Kate said:
My valve replacement / aortic aneurysm fix has been scheduled for September 12th at the Cleveland Clinic. I am so appreciative of all the information and encouragement offered on this site. I feel like it really helped me to have the courage to push my cardiologist for a surgical referral earlier than he had planned (you know how it goes - he's a valve guy and wants to wait as long as possible, but I'm worried about playing Russian roulette with a 4.7cm aneurysm. Understandable, but still frustrating.)

Anyway, the reason I'm posting is that I'm scheduled for a cardiac cath at the end of the month and am curious about how they decide where to insert it. Everything I read says either the arm or groin, with the recovery from an arm insertion sounding much easier, quicker, etc. but I can't find anything that says how they choose which to use. I get much less anxious if I know what to expect, so I'm hoping one of you knows the answer (as you so often seem to! :) ) Thanks! Kate
I had an unexpected heart cath about 4 months ago. Because of the surprise I kinda of saw my life go flying by. Went into it a little apprehensive had the procedure in the groin area, have to say it was not worth worrying about. They used a plug and I exoerienced no problems. Must have been on a nervous high because I was told I would be out but watched the whole procedure. Talked to the doctor throughout . Best wishes for your sucessful surgery. I will add you to my growing prayer list.
Kate said:
My valve replacement / aortic aneurysm fix has been scheduled for September 12th at the Cleveland Clinic. I am so appreciative of all the information and encouragement offered on this site. I feel like it really helped me to have the courage to push my cardiologist for a surgical referral earlier than he had planned (you know how it goes - he's a valve guy and wants to wait as long as possible, but I'm worried about playing Russian roulette with a 4.7cm aneurysm. Understandable, but still frustrating.)

Anyway, the reason I'm posting is that I'm scheduled for a cardiac cath at the end of the month and am curious about how they decide where to insert it. Everything I read says either the arm or groin, with the recovery from an arm insertion sounding much easier, quicker, etc. but I can't find anything that says how they choose which to use. I get much less anxious if I know what to expect, so I'm hoping one of you knows the answer (as you so often seem to! :) ) Thanks! Kate