Well-known member
My valve replacement / aortic aneurysm fix has been scheduled for September 12th at the Cleveland Clinic. I am so appreciative of all the information and encouragement offered on this site. I feel like it really helped me to have the courage to push my cardiologist for a surgical referral earlier than he had planned (you know how it goes - he's a valve guy and wants to wait as long as possible, but I'm worried about playing Russian roulette with a 4.7cm aneurysm. Understandable, but still frustrating.)
Anyway, the reason I'm posting is that I'm scheduled for a cardiac cath at the end of the month and am curious about how they decide where to insert it. Everything I read says either the arm or groin, with the recovery from an arm insertion sounding much easier, quicker, etc. but I can't find anything that says how they choose which to use. I get much less anxious if I know what to expect, so I'm hoping one of you knows the answer (as you so often seem to! ) Thanks! Kate
Anyway, the reason I'm posting is that I'm scheduled for a cardiac cath at the end of the month and am curious about how they decide where to insert it. Everything I read says either the arm or groin, with the recovery from an arm insertion sounding much easier, quicker, etc. but I can't find anything that says how they choose which to use. I get much less anxious if I know what to expect, so I'm hoping one of you knows the answer (as you so often seem to! ) Thanks! Kate