Can you help settle a non-heart related disagreement

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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2005
Hi, all--

Things are still crazy-busy around here! Mom is still in the hospital, but she is starting to ask Dad and me to bring her things to do, so that's a plus! I'm also serving on a jury right now, and that's been taking up most of my days lately, too.

Anyway, can you please help settle a disagreement here?

Two nights ago, I awoke in the middle of the night with a stabbing pain under my left breast. (To clarify, my surgery scar is under my right breast). After a few minutes, the pain went away, but I am still very sore in that same location. It's painful to the touch, hurts to wear a bra, and feels a tad swollen. It does not hurt to breathe.

The hubster says I should call my GP and have her check it out. I think it's nothing other than tender from lying on my stomach at night (maybe I was sleeping with my arm under my breast and that's what caused the pain).

Anything I should have checked out, or you think I should wait a couple days and see if the pain goes away?

Thanks in advance for your advice--
Debi (debster913)
Forgot to add:
With jury duty, it's hard for me to make an appt. with the doctor since I only know a day in advance what time I need to report to the courthouse.

I am a firm believer in having pain checked but time can be an issue.

That being said, I recently had some very intense pain near my lower left rib cage. After 3 CT scans, a chest xray and an ultrasound, we determined that I had torn some scar tissue (pain right over drainage tube scars). Was there any type of drainage tube or the like in the area of your pain?

Sudden pain is usually due to some type of injury unless is accompanied by a fever or other symptoms. I would still have it checked as soon as you can just to make sure.
chest tube scar?

chest tube scar?

hey debi,
well, honestly, I have had similar pain, mine were on my right side, but I have had them on both sides one night about 5 years or so ago my mom, aunt, and I were watching a movie, and the pain started, it was so bad it took my breath away, I was pretty much in hysterics for about an hour before it settled down, I was very close to headding to the ER, but talked to mom and decided to take 4 advil and chilled out. I have had these more than once, and I believe that they are related to scar tissue/adhesions from having my chest cracked twice (I have had 2 sternotomies last one was 16 yrs ago, I also have 3 chest tube scars on my right side, and 1 on the left.) I have told my cardio about the pain, and he diagnosed it as chest wall pain his advice to me was that if I could reproduce it with movement it wasnt cardiac in origin, he also told me to check in with him whenever I thought I needed to.

(note, this is not medical advice, this is what I know to do for myself when I am having issues, I am not advocating for anyone to follow these steps without checking with your doc first)

basically if the pain gets worse when I breath in, or if I can make it worse by moving my arms around I am pretty content in knowing that its not cardiac related. chest tightness is another story, and I tend to look at that differently. Whenever I am concerned about a sign or symptom I stop and "check myself" I think about aggrivating factors "did I pull a muscle?" "did I do something to make my chest sore?(AKA, did I do something stupid like weed whacking)" "did I have too much caffeine?" "am I dehydrated?" then I check my pulse, and BP if I can and if they are normal, I am relatively comfortable with just dealing with it without going to the Dr's, but I have mitral stenosis and aortic regurgitation, low BP (caused by dehydration, in my case) can cause chest pain/tightness and light headdedness, too many palpitations (PVC's, or bigeminy) can cause chest pain or tightness and light headdedness (they can also cause low BP which can also cause the chest pain and light headdedness) so alot of the time I have a pretty good explanation without going to the Dr's and I am relatively comfortable with that, and I pretty much do the same thing when I get short of breath, or light headded, or any other symptom that I dont like as long as its not new, or too many at the same time

in your case, I would call the Dr's and ask them and see what they say especially seeing as this is new to you. You may not need to go in, but I would still see what they say, especially if there are any other symptoms like shortness of breath, or light headdedness, or palpitations. but you can also talk to your doctor about how to make this decision in the future. this is a hard decision to make, and I am still learning how to make these kinds of calls (yea, even after being a life long heart patient of 20 yrs)

well, this went on alot longer than I thought it would
I hope it helps!
Morgan, 20
your hubby is right; are you nuts??????

your hubby is right; are you nuts??????

sorry to be so blunt but let's see -

you've had a heart attack once
you have sudden severe pain in the heart area
and you are just going to wait and see what happens????

the statistics make it abundantly clear that the average person waits too long to go to the er and has a much worse outcome. in your case, it's been a couple of days, and i so it's probably NOT likely you've had another heart attack. but i would just think that any time one has severe pain in the heart region it's better to play it safe then sorry
I'm with Andrew on this one....

I'm with Andrew on this one....

You post in "small talk" about a "non-heart related issue" and it's pain in your left chest? R U trying to bias the results? :rolleyes:

Seriously, though, make the appt, if it conflicts with Jury duty then tell the courthouse folks you can't make it. With your health history they have to accomodate you.

I hope you're feeling better already.

Make your appt. right away. You have known heart issues and need to have this evaluated. It is probably nothing, but why in the world would you want to let it go and wait and see with a heart history???

I don't know about jury duty and how that works, but your health comes first above all else. They will survive without you while you see your doctor.
Here's the verdict!

Here's the verdict!

Thanks for the replies, and yes, I know as a post-op valver I ought to take my health more seriously as my track record of denying anything is wrong with me does not serve in my favor...anyway, I saw my GP and I have an inflammed rib. She says no one knows what causes it, but the pain goes away after a few days. Dr. P told me if I'm still having pain and swelling despite a daily regimen of Advil/Motrin, etc. for two weeks, to give her a call right away. She says the rib inflammation also mimics heart attack symptoms, but I do feel much better to know it's nothing to worry about. See? It wasn't heart related! (But I'm glad to have gotten it checked out).

Again, thanks for the kind and caring support, as well as a few kicks in the rear! :p

Debi (debster913)
It's always worth it to go to the doc and get good news! Congratulations, now you won't have to wonder anymore.