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Grew up in Miami. When husband took his residency, it was in Maryland and wow whatta difference. Couldn't wait to get home to warm Fl. I recall the blizzards - frozen car doors, snow covering the garage door and the back door. The ice storms which made the trees sparkle like diamonds-so beautiful-so dangerous. And the 'snow days' like Rob says, when the children had the day off, but alas they eventually had to make it up. Shoveling the driveway and snowplows coming by, as Rob says, and have to do it again - and again - and again. One Christmas it turned out to be 75 degrees, the neighbors were crying, but I opened the windows and thought the day was wonderful and basked in the warmth of the outside.

Happy to be home in Florida, even if it's not Miami (which isn't the same as when I grew up there-it was more like a town then and very safe). If it got to be 50 degrees in winter, the schools closed. We had no heat in them. And at times, we girls were actually allowed to wear LONG PANTS!:cool: :cool:
Although I was born and raised in Holland I also lived in Ontario, Canada for about 8 years, and do I miss the snow and the cold? Heck Noooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!.
What I remember about that time in my life is dressing my two little girls at the time in their snowsuits, snowboots, mittens, scarfs, hats, the works, and that finally done, it never failed one of them had to go potty, and you had to start the whole thing over again.
And do I miss slipping and sliding all over the road, frozen car doors, car not wanting to start because of the cold and freezing my fingers off? No, I don't miss that either. I really haven't missed anything that has to do with being cold, and I have not seen much snow in almost 25 years now. The last time we had snow in Tucson was in 1987. It stayed on the ground for maybe 1/2 day. I don't quite remember. It also depends on the elevation. We are at about 3800 feet.
If I would want to I can be in the snow within 40 minutes but I have never had the desire to do that. I like the warmth, and need the sun to feel healthy.
A cold day in AZ is a temp. in the 40- 50's, and 30 degrees mornings I am shivering, but it warms up real quick. Don't feel sorry for us. LOL!!!
Come and see us sometimes!

Aortic Stenosis
AVR's 8/7/00 & 8/18/00
St.Jude's mechanical
Coumadin 20mg a day.


If you guys really want cold, come visit Colorado. It?s been below zero a couple times here at my house.

I haven?t been snow skiing since my heart surgery. I did go water skiing a couple of times last summer. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. I also went sledding with my children while they were home. I didn?t wear a helmet, but I'm much more careful than I used to be.

I usually stick to the safer things like building snowmen. Sara, Ry and I made a snowman taller than Ryan last week! Ry is 6' 8"!!

You be careful Rob... Ry fell off a snowmobile last week! You too, Gina, I?m glad you are wearing a helmet. I know I?m a bad example.

You guys have lots of fun!!

WOW! I found the second page! :confused: Okay, I gotta throw in a couple childhood memories of my own.......

Hey Nancy!! You shoulda seen the snow angel my Ry made... HUGE! We used to get pretty creative with the snow ice cream too. We never played in the streets or parks when I was a kid.... we were on the hills and in the fields or on the ponds and canals. Half the time we didn?t have snow boots, we wore gunny sacks and plastic bags over our shoes. We didn?t have fancy sleds.... we slid down the hills on car hoods and huge inner tubes. We had tons of fun! Sometimes our older brothers would pull us around the fields behind the tractors or their pickups. Amazing we?re alive some of the stuff we did, but it was sure fun!! We used to always have huge bon fires at one of our ponds, everyone in the lower valley would come. That?s how we always brought the New Year in, with a ice skating party at the pond.

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Well, Gina, I guess you could if you follow Rain's philosophy - no helmet. Wondered after I wrote that if you would think that, hoped you wouldn't, you did!! heehee

Rain, yep, it's a wonder most of us made it past 30!:D
Hardly Any Snow!!!Yeah!!!!

Hardly Any Snow!!!Yeah!!!!

Living here in Rochester, NY we're used to 90 or more inches of snow over winter, but so far winter has been very, very, wonderful. Even though we're only about 60 miles from Buffalo we've only had about 8 inches so far. It just started to get cold here. We were warmer here then our daughter in Greensboro, NC - and now they've got more snow too. I know this can't last and sooner or later we'll get our share, but it would be a real treat for me to let other people in other parts of the country enjoy our snow this year.

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