Calling all my valver friends who had surgery before 30 yrs of age.

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I was 23 when I had mine done, just 7 short months ago. LOL! I am now 24. But I am back at my full time job, and I start classes again full time in the fall. I go out with my friends all the time, go running with a few and work out with a few. I have actually started to go out to the bar, a country-western bar, recently with a friend to start line dancing. It's fun. No issues. I've danced my self crazy at a few weddings the past couple weeks with my friends. My life has pretty much returned to normal. The only issue I am facing now is going to amusement parks and riding all the rides I used to ride. My cardiologist told me "If you feel up to it and don't feel like you are having any issues, go for it but take it easy." But It just makes me nervous because a few roller coasters can take your breath away and it just worries me. So if anyone else has any advice for me on that, that would be wonderful. :D

But all in all, my life has returned back to normal before my valve replacement....with the exception of college started in a few short months. :D
Hey Ashpitt. Good to hear about your amazing recovery.:) though i am surprised with your choice of a tissue valve. :) I am going ahead with a mechanical cause i dont think i am interested in another OHS but yeah the good part young age and no thinners. I don think the roller coasters should be bad. You are fixed now. I think you should worry about your anxious brain more that your fixed heart. ;) keep calm and live it to the fullest
I decided on it because I want kids, even if I can only have one and because my menstrual cycle already causes me to have problems. I am anemic and I already have heavy periods so I didn't want to take the chance of taking thinners and it being even worse and dropping my iron even lower when that time of the month rolls around and having to up my iron pill mg. And they are making advancements all the time, so who knows what things will be like in 10-15 years. Lol. And my brain does cause me problems...LOL! ;) But thank you, the park that's near me, none of the roller coasters are like any at Hershey Park or Cedar Point so I think until I make a trek out there, I don't have anything to worry about. Lol.
Oh okay. :) I guess you made your calculated decision.:) i am sure technology is moving at a pace where things would become super simple. :) but the issue being we do not know when but yeah its amazing to just be back to normal. I am goin in for my mech valve and hope i can do all the sports post the mech valve. :p i love adventure sports so lets c. :)
Yeah, lots of convo with my boyfriend, family, and doctors. It's wonderful to be back to normal, or better than normal. I can't remember when I last felt like I do now, many many years, that's for sure. I have seen lots of others post about how they were able to get back into their sports, etc. after. So I'm sure you will be able to also. :)
I had my AV replaced almost three years ago when I was 23. I had a bicuspid AV and so I had it replaced with a 29mm St Jude Mechanical. I am on warfarin and I have cut my self a ridiculous amount of times. I have obviously never died from bleeding and I manage my inr with my INRatio 2. I do not regret going with a mechanical valve. It has not stopped me from doing anything that I have wanted to do, it has given me the opportunity to stay alive and do soooooo much more though. I was working with sheet metal and I would cut myself almost every day and there was only one time that I had to go into the clinic to get stitches but I would of had to get stitches either way. I am a very active young man, I hunt, I run 10k and 12k races no problem, I currently work on a ranch, I ride four-wheelers.

I live life because that is why I had my surgery. If I let my anticoagulants scare me then I might as well of not had the surgery. Don't let it hold you back, your best years are ahead of you.

plus my valve and scar are great conversation pieces. esp in a quite room when others can here my valve "tick." Mine is pretty loud and I like it that way. I have never wanted to change my mind. Great choice for me.

Good luck and enjoy.