Gina...LOL, yeah, I guess I did...tho I still don't quite understand why or how...he he he. Hmm, but, I tend to do that to the attached females...I need to find a single female (preferrably my age) to affect in that way...hmm...maybe even Ally (sp?)?!

. LOL!
Steve...absolutely! Heck, I'll take you for a spin in all 4 of my older ones, if you want

. And...if your good, I may even let you drive, too

. BTW, amen to your comments following up to Gina's note....
A few other points of interest:
I like the idea of the planned schedule, Steve. And, definitely the brunch schedule is Gina said, we didn't feel rushed.... We could call it the "Chicago Regional Monthly Gathering" or something like that

. Or...if we stick with Sundays (which seem to be the best day)....the "Sunday Chicago Regional Brunch'n'Fun".....hmmm...this has potential

Gina mentioned a Cubs game...and I think that is a wonderful idea

. BTW, at the end of 7 innings (right now, anyway), Cubs 8, Yankees 3!
And...the game of pool would be at the "new" pool hall in Algonquin IL.... We could meet up somewhere for lunch (maybe even at a restaurant near Spring Hill Mall, W Dundee IL...not too far from Algonquin)....
Food for thought
