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Wish I could be there. EVERY place you've all mentioned I've been to. Hope you all have a great time - glad you'll get to meet each other. Look forward to meeting all of you in October. Hey, Gina, "yak she mosh" (noty real spelling - phonetic spelling). :D

The count I have is 5. Is that it then. Is anyone bringing someone with? I made reservations at Holiday Inn in Crystal Lake for 6 at 12:30 under the last name of Schulz. Let me know if I need to make it for more.

Gina and Steve it will be great to see you two again. Cort and Dave it will be a pleasure to get to meet you two! Looking forward to tomorrow!

Gina, I wondered to if you would make it., under the circumstances. Glad you will be there.

Hope my directions are explicit enough to everyone.

Jan I'm sure we can get together on one of those dates! It would nice to see you again.

Paul, we'll see you in October for sure!

Take care and until tomorrow.............God Bless!
Hi Lorraine

Yes it would be nice to meet again, we only had chance to say hello in Vegas,

nearer the time I will contact you and we can set something up,

have a great time on Sunday

Gina - Having grwon up in a home where multiple languages might be "on the other side of the phone" our standard answer was always "I'll tell him when he comes home."

Does that fit here? I could get my polish translator, but she's at her house now. . .
Paul...wish ya coulda been here, too...woulda been nice to meet you as well :).

Lorraine...great directions :).

Steve...thanks for taking my pic.... Ross, avatar pic should be coming to you soon from Steve ;).

Gina/Lorraine/ was GREAT to meet you :). The food was good and the company was even better ;). I always have a blast meeting people from message boards/email lists.... Been doing this since I joined my car lists a few years ago...and each time I meet new people, it only makes the board that much more "home" and "family" :).

Um, Dave, we missed you!!! Hope all is well for you and that nothing too serious kept you from joining us.... darn well better make sure you let us know when you'll be in Chicagoland :).
The feeling is all too mutual Cort. It was great to meet you and reunite again with Lorraine and Steve.

Cort suggested lunch and a game of pool next time we get together. It was a nice afternoon. Perry and Dave sorry we missed you.

Round table brunch is the way to go! We had plenty of time to talk and did not feel rushed along.

Promised Hank I would get on the October Chicago reunion reservations ASAP. Should have our group rate locked in this week. Greatly looking forward to it.

I was so moved today at one point Cort almost had me in tears, right Cort;). It's so nice to know we are not in this alone.
Slight modification. . .

Slight modification. . .

Hi everyone -- yes it is great to meet new faces and re-link with those we've met before. I, for one, would vote for some regular planned schedule of local meetings. That way those who have to miss one date can catch up at the next.

Cort, too bad it was nasty out and I had to run, as I would have near begged a ride in your MC. Just the sound of a Chevy is music to my ears. Let's keep it in mind for next time.

Gina and Lorraine, what can I say? You are among my earliest "heart buddies" and have made this roller coaster ride bearable. The modification mentioned in my header is pointed to Gina, suggesting that she continue to remember that None of us is ever in this alone. We often find connections to other people who have similar experiences and burdens, but we are also all watched by One Above. He places the other folks here for us to meet, and he places burdens upon our shoulders. He also, though, gives us the strength to manage through it all in return for our faith that it will all turn out well. You're in my prayers.

Gina...LOL, yeah, I guess I did...tho I still don't quite understand why or how...he he he. Hmm, but, I tend to do that to the attached females...I need to find a single female (preferrably my age) to affect in that way...hmm...maybe even Ally (sp?)?! ;). LOL!

Steve...absolutely! Heck, I'll take you for a spin in all 4 of my older ones, if you want :). And...if your good, I may even let you drive, too ;). BTW, amen to your comments following up to Gina's note....

A few other points of interest:

I like the idea of the planned schedule, Steve. And, definitely the brunch schedule is Gina said, we didn't feel rushed.... We could call it the "Chicago Regional Monthly Gathering" or something like that ;). Or...if we stick with Sundays (which seem to be the best day)....the "Sunday Chicago Regional Brunch'n'Fun".....hmmm...this has potential ;).

Gina mentioned a Cubs game...and I think that is a wonderful idea ;). BTW, at the end of 7 innings (right now, anyway), Cubs 8, Yankees 3!

And...the game of pool would be at the "new" pool hall in Algonquin IL.... We could meet up somewhere for lunch (maybe even at a restaurant near Spring Hill Mall, W Dundee IL...not too far from Algonquin)....

Food for thought ;).
Steve, thank you for your kind words. We will continue to "keep the faith" It's tough, but where in it for the long haul.

Now Cort, how do you think DaveBaseball/Sox fan will feel about attending a Cubs game?, LOL:D. Dave oh Dave where are you?

Pool sounds like a plan. Do you recall the name of the BBQ place near 31/Algonquin?

Looks like I can forget about my diet until summer is over. It seems that eating is involved in most gathering.

AL, get ready for a season of messed up INR's:cool:
Well, I guess I could try a game of pool. IIRC, the last time I played, I almost had to borrow gas money to get home <g>.

Y'know, if I didn't know better, I would think we were on the verge of starting something. . .
It was a pleasure to meet you Cort! Gina & Steve it was great to see the two of you again!

The brunch idea turned out to be pretty good. We definitely were not rushed and were able to talk to our hearts content!:D

I'm all for a Cubs game if possible. Sounds like our next gathering will be shooting pool in Algonquin. Name of BBQ is Texan BBQ I believe. Just north of Route 62 in Algonquin!

Gina, I too ditto and say Amen to what Steve said. None of us are ever really alone. Yes, Cort had me close to tears too! The fact that we have all found each other, is even further proof. I believe too, we were guided by One Above who of course is watching out for us, to have found this fabulous site! Hank our founder was guided as well to make this happen! I know we are all here together to give each other strength when each and everyone of us need it. Your family is in my prayers.

I like the fact I?ve been to two reunions and I think four mini-reunions. It makes it all more real when we meet our heart buddies in person, who we having been sharing our thoughts, prayers, info, guidance, support etc. With each reunion I go to I feel the connection more and more as well as being online and in Chat (when I can).

Paul, we missed you but I know we?ll meet in October. You mentioned your parents use to live at Wise and Summit in Schaumburg. Did you grow up there? I lived in Streamwood on Streamwood Blvd from 1962 until 1972, when I got married. We use to the watch the cows grazing on the farm on Barrington Rd & Schaumburg Rd from our house.

Jan, I?m sure we can arrange something one of those dates. It would great to get a chance to talk.

Hey Cort, so you were flirting with Ally, huh? I?ll find out from my sister Diane if Allys unattached! :)
Gina...yeah, you're right. So, we could also take in a White Sox game, too....

Steve...I'm curious as to why you almost had to borrow money to get home after your last game of pool...? And yes, it does sound like we're on the verge of starting something...and, as such, we should definitely come up with some sort of name for it......I'm sorta partial to "Sunday Chicago Regional Brunch'n'Fun"....

Lorraine...pleasure meeting you, Gina & Steve, too! Yikes...2 females close to tears....dangum....LOL.... As for, never met her. Your sister pointed her out to me and, from what I heard your sister say, Ally is ready for someone...tho, I don't know.... But, I'm not even sure I saw Ally...your sis pointed her out at a distance, so I'm not convinced that I saw the correct gal....
First things, first. . .

First things, first. . .

Cort, Do not pass go, do not collect monopoly salary, etc. -- go on back to the Holiday Inn and get yourself directed to the correct young lady <g>. No try, no win, my friend. Nothing to lose, is there?

As to the pool game, when in a gin mill in Laramie Wyoming on a Friday evening, all the students and locals play pool for real money. A couple of beers and anybody thinks they can play. Well, I couldn't play "that" well. . .

I believe Lorraine was going to ask her sister to find out if Ally is indeed available..... Oh, you are so right...nothing to lose :). But, heh...with the cardioversion possibly happening Friday or sometime next week...the time right now is limited...I'm way too busy ;)....LOL!

And...I believe I understand about that pool game...LOL!
*scratches head*

Yeah, I know I'm bringing up an "old" post, but I was just thinking today that, as far as I know, we still haven't heard from Dave.... I hope all is well...and that nothing serious has happened to him...

On a lighter note, Lorraine...any news from your sister about Ally?

Hope all is well for everyone....

*goes silent again* ;)


I think we will be hearing from Dave IF the Sox beat the Cubs this weekend.
LOL!!!!!! You are probably right...

Still...I'm serious...I'm a bit concerned....

Come to think of it, haven't seen Lorraine recently either...hmmm......

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