Caleb's surgery May 17 8 am

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You have our prayers and best wishes. Thanks so much for keeping us informed.
Thank you for the updates. Caleb is still in my prayers.I am leaving tomorrow for a will keep looking tonight and early morning for a great outcome:) Bonnie


Caleb and mom good luck tomorrow. Keep that lil smile on your face honey.

Much love.

You, Caleb and your whole family are in my prayers this evening. Kate (in Ohio)
We are finally done!!! Yes at 7:00 PM Dr Foker walked in and said that Caleb is done and sporting a 21 ml St. Judes valve! Not as big as they had hoped but for now it will do. The placement of the valve is a little different than they would normally do but it is going to be fine. (I hope) We will not be able to see Caleb until around 8:30 tonight because they are watching his bleeding in the OR. So that will be about 45 min and then another 45 in the ICU for set up time. Caleb is still in critical condition and will be watched very carefully tonight. They say if the night goes well that he should be fine.

Thank you for all of you prayers and thoughts.

The whole sugery lasted 8.5 hours. He has been in the OR for 12 hours (by the time he comes out of the OR)

Please keep up the prayers and Thank you for all of your support. It is very reassuring that I can come up and see that everyone is checking on my little Caleb!

You've had an incredibly long day! Please remember yourself and get some rest when you can.

Wishing Caleb a strong response now that he's all finished up!

Best wishes! Marguerite
Oh, Jamie, what wonderful news!

Oh, Jamie, what wonderful news!

Yes, Yes, Yes!!!! I know - believe me I know - what a very long day you have had. Boy, did I ever have a feeling of deja vu when I read about your surgeon's attempt to repair that valve..........and then it went awry. I'm glad they at least try the repair, so that won't be eating at us later, but ohhhhhhhhh what a day! And I'm afraid you might be in for a long night, too. Do not be surprised if Caleb has some arrythmia problems. Just remember that Katie's finally resolved and have been good ever since. I know this will be true for Caleb, too, and the biggest hurdle is out of the way. Were they able to close his chest after such a long surgery(ies)? I am so thrilled to read your good news, but sorry you got initiated into the two for one heart surgery sale club. :D I will continue to pray here in TExas (since everyone seems to want to pinpoint geographic prayer locations - not really important as long as they all go up to the Big Guy! :D ) and will be checking for updates on Caleb's progress. Hugs. J.
Great update. Thanks and try to get some rest. Maybe you will listen more than Janet did.;) :D ;)
So glad to hear everything went well and Caleb is OK. Praying for a good night for Caleb... will watch for updates tomorrow!!!
Thanks for taking the time to update us. Praying for a good night for Caleb and you!

I am new here, but have read the posts. I am so happy to hear that the surgery is over and now you can concentrate on a full and fast recovery for Caleb.

I cried and smiled all at once....

sending love to you and your family

Kathy M:) :) :) :) :)