Burning pain in leg near groin incision

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New member
Jun 2, 2014
Sioux Falls, SD
On Oct 20, I had robotic assisted mitral valve repair at Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN. I have been home since Friday and have a first appointment with my primary care doctor this afternoon. Over the last couple days I have been experiencing growing pain in my upper right leg near (below but not at) the groin incision site. I did not have this issue in hospital. Today, I can barely stand for a minute before the pain comes burning back. It is difficult to get comfortable in any position today. I am not on any pain med other than Tylenol/Advil. My chest incision areas are sore but not painful. The area (and others in the chest area) were pretty numb after surgery and I've been getting feeling back in those areas. Is this pain normal and related to that? I will ask my doctor this afternoon of course. I am curious as to others' experiences. I am 36 year old female who had little to no symptoms of severe mitral valve prolapse/regurgitation.
I just finished robotic MV replacement. My book from the hospital says to expect a ridge near the groin incision. I have numbness on the inside thigh just below the site to just above the knee. My right chest area is also numb. The hospital and my cardio said these feelings are due to the nerves being disturbed and it will take "a while" for it to feel better. When I bend that leg, I try to bend it at an angle, similar to putting my left foot on my right knee.

Good luck!
I do have a marble to ping pong ball sized bump near that incision that they hospital staff told me was normal before I left. I've had 2 c-section surgeries in the past and was familiar with the numbness of the areas that were cut as being normal. The burning is also normal according to my doctor yesterday. Says it is the nerves healing and also partly that bump area pressing on nerves that are not damaged. She said any time a person describes a burning pain, it is usually nerve related. Thankfully my pain has subsided today. Still numb in those areas but not the burning pain as often. Thanks for your reply! Good to know I'm not the only one out there.
Sorry you are having some pain issues. I did not have your procedure, so I cannot really comment, except to say call your surgeon. I was encouraged to call them on any question or perceived abnormality. Hopefully your primary care appointment went well.