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Well-known member
Jul 4, 2007
Springfield, MO
Seth had his AVR one week today and this morning woke up with bruises on the back of each hand, about 2 inches wide. Has anyone experienced anything like this and should we be alarmed? We are back home now and so far everything has gone great. He isn't taking anything else for pain, and we tested his INR yesterday and it was in range (2.6)

Could it be IV sites? Also, it may be from straps. I think they tie you down:eek: during surgery.
I had bruises show up after surgery that must have been caused by pushig, pulling, rolling me around etc. Just keep an eye on it. Maybe some ice would help......Tom
He had lots of iv's and lots of sticking and poking going on, but none in his hands. Being tied down would make sense because they are almost identical on both hands.
It's always a good idea to check things out whenever something unusual shows up.

I recommend calling the Surgeon's office and asking to speak with either a Nurse or his Surgical Assistant.

Peace of Mind is a Good Thing !

Best wishes to Seth and Family.

'AL Capshaw'
Glad he's home!

Glad he's home!

Brandi, I bet it's from being strapped down, but I'd call anyway! Hope you both get some rest now. Take it slow. Please give him my best. Brian
when I left the hospital, they said 'call if you have any questions'. I had one, I called. Bet you got the same thing. uNanswered questions are troubling.


then tell us what they say.
Hope it turns out to be ok and nothing to worry about. Can i please ask why they strap you down during surgery, i sure hope it i'snt incase you wake up?:(
WELCOME HOME Seth and family! Nathan only had brusing at his chest tube sites, so he was lucky in the aspect!

About restraining arms in the OR--Arms are positioned either outwards on armboards and with restraints or tucking in at ones side with a draw sheet. A lap belt is placed over the thighs also. Often in surgery, the bed is put into left tilt, right tilt, head up or down (to aide the surgeons view or access) and you want the person secured to the bed :) No falling the floor allowed, lol.

Where I work, a persons restraints are ususally taken off by prior to being extubated and people will stand by to help them from ripping out tubing. I am refering to when people are woken up in the OR suite where their surgery was done, not being transfered to the floor intubated-- that is an entirely different animal. Nathan never had restraints when he arrived in ICU from AVR. As they woke him up, he would being writing words to us in the air with his fingers, hehe.
The first day in ICU when Larry had his breathing tube in, his arms were tied down. His hands was palm side down and the bruised area you are talking about would fit into where his straps were. He fought being tied down especially when my son and I visited him. That was the hardest day but the breathing tube came out and then he was a free man!

As others have said, check with the doctor but it makes sense that it would be normal to have some bruising there.
