Browsing Habits

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Ross: When I first saw the title of this thread "browsing habits" I thought we were going to have a discussion about grazing in the kitchen!
Always new posts first and then if I have time, I go through heart, pre-surgery, post surgery to see if I missed anything.
1. New posts
2. Main forum page to check birthdays and upcoming surgeries
Hey Ross,
I look at the New Posts, see who is on, birthdays and upcoming surgery's, Heart, Pre surgery, Post Surgery, Coumadin, QAS, Active life styles,and small talk. I look at the rest of them if I have time.
Take Care
I start with "New Posts" and scan the list from top to bottom, looking for threads that I might be interested in or where I might feel compelled to contribute.

I almost never look at what forum the post is in, unless I'm going to respond or start a new one.
Peggy in Alaska said:
Ross: When I first saw the title of this thread "browsing habits" I thought we were going to have a discussion about grazing in the kitchen!
Umm no dear, that would be grazing habits. ;)