Broken Blood Vessels in the eye and Vitamin C

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Hello everyone,
Since shortly before my surgery, I have suffered every so often from a broken blood vessel in one eye or the other. Since I am a coumadin user, it bleeds really good and, as my bride says, I get "monster eye".
In January I had a vessel break in my left eye and soon the entire white portion of my eye was blood red. I told my bride that Yes, I know it's harmless and Yes I know nothing can be done about it but I would feel much better if we had a Doc check it out. Since it was a Sunday, we went to the local urgent care.
We happened to meet a Hungarian Doc and he confirmed nothing could be done, you just have to wait until your body reabsorbs the blood. Now here is the interesting part. He then told me that if you take 1000mg of Vitamin C a day, that rapidly speeds up your body process to reabsorb the blood. He did tell me to see my Doc by Tuesday. On Tuesday my regular Doc told me he had never heard of the vitamin C theory and it would take 4 to 6 weeks for my eye to clear. (it was REALLY red).
So I started on the 1000mg of vitamin C and 'presto' in 17 days my eye was perfectly clear. I went back to my Doc and he was amazed and said he would look into it more. Several months ago, we met a lady who had the same problem. She said her Doc said nothing could be done. We told her about the vitamin C and she said she would give it a try. 2 weeks later she called us say her eye had cleared nearly 100%.
I don't know if this has been discussed before but it worked for me and a friend and I wanted to pass it on. It also works when you get a bruise. Same principal as what happens in your eye.
Anyway I hope this helps.
Chip :D
Chip. Happy it worked out for you!

Do to all of my "neurological" "optical" symptoms......I had a complete eye exam with an xray of the inner eye. Doc said it was a good thing to keep on file. If there are any notable changes there will be point of comparison. Same thing with a CT of the brain :D

As Missy pointed out.....taking large amounts of C may have an adverse response on an INR. Would more than likely take a dive. Assuming from your profile you have a mechanical valve. Just wondering if you were testing frequently during that time? I take 250MG of C daily with no issues. worked worked

Hensylee/Gina/Missy and Katie...
Thanks for the responses. I have stayed on the 1000mg of Vitamin C since I started and (lucky or not) I have had no further problems with my eyes. My INR has been very stable throughout. My Doc started me on Niaspan and he was concerned that it would effect my INR. Because of that I have had to have my INR checked every 2 weeks for the past 10 to 12 weeks and it has been fine. It dipped a little, it rose a little but all in all has been fine.
I am sure that some people could not tolerate 1000mg of Vitamin C a day and you should without a doubt talk with your Doc. But it worked for me and for someone we just happened to meet so you never know.
One other thing - since I started the 1000mg of C a day, a long running rear end problem that involves Prep H has disappeared!! No foolin - it's gone. So talk with your Doc and see what she/he says.
Hope this all helps and thank you all for the information you give me
Chip :D
The healing power of Vit C! Thanks for sharing your experience Chip. I take the 250, plus whatever is in my multi and diet. That may all add up to quite a bit.

Man...if I EVER have that 'rear end' problem again....I will up the dose:p That's amazing.