brian back in the hospital - 3rd time this summer

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I hope you all have a good weekend, just hanging out, and probably spoiling yourselves a little with some cookies and ice cream - maybe even an adult drink or two!

And don't ever apologize, under these circumstances, for venting, ranting or being "needy", the reason for this forum is to support one another. If that means supporting the mom of a patient instead of the patient him/herself, it is really the same thing.

Take care, all of you !
I saw your status update on FB, but thought I'd reply here. Great news! Continued prayers coming from here!
That is fantastic news, Deanne.

What wonderful friends your son has. Such dedication to him. I know that helps.

Ever notice how we get headaches after stressful situations? I wonder if all that pent up stress that you both had to endure for the last several days just needed a place to burst out. You know, he is probably very relieved to be alive, to be feeling better, to be. To Be. And the love you two have which is so deep between you, mother and child always is, that he was safe in releasing all that pressure at you. Never fun. Never painless. But acceptable.

Okay, I wish you continuing improvement.

Brian will feel so much better at home.

Huge hugs... :D

Much as I hated taking Lovenox after a hospital stay a couple of years ago, I gotta agree, any thing that gets you home and outta those places is just great.

Good news, we will keep praying and you just be sure to lean on us, this is a fantastic group of loving, caring folks.


Deanne, Welcome home! I hope you never have to deal with this again. Wishing only good health from now on for Brian. He is lucky to have such wonderful friends and such an amazing Mom (and Dad too)! Hope you enjoy spending this weekend together as a family and I look forward to reading only good news about Brian from now on!

Deanne, Glad to hear that Brian is doing better and that you're all on your way home. As the mom of an almost 19 year old, I can understand your frustration. WE know they need their moms, but THEY are fighting it! In about 5-10 years, depending on the situation, they will figure it out!
What great news, I have been following this ordeal daily, and you and Brian have been in my prayers. I do believe you were the one that steered me to this website and for that I am forever grateful. Be as needy as need be, it is our collective pleasure to help out in times of need.

You are NOT needy ! I've been agog at your strength and resourcefulness through all this.
I'm so glad things are looking for Brian and his parents, especially you.
He is so tired of being told what to do. He has spent 3 years pretending that everything was fine and never talking to anybody about his fears. He is also 19 and wishes like hell that he didn't need his mommy any more.
That sounds real to me. That's not just drama. And it doesn't sound like it's actually directed toward you at all, although if he was pushed after this, it may well have come out that way. Life has not been very fair to him, and it is human and allowable for him to notice it loudly from time to time. If he's not off with his friends to vent things like this, a parent is going to get the brunt of it.

If you are going to push the antidepressents, be aware that he is at an age where most antidepressents have some danger of causing thoughts of suicide. Consider whether he is actually long-term depressed before proceeding. His hospitalization and his dialysis are each reasonable causes for short-term depression. Obviously, I don't know, so I'm just jabbering at the sidelines here.

So glad he's coming home.

Very best wishes,
Wow- I am so sorry I missed this thread! I'm glad that Brian was discharged. I'm sorry for everything you went through. It's terrible for Brian because he is the patient. It is terrible for you because you can only watch--sure you can advocate for him, but you can't take the pain away, or the fear and frustration that Brian feels.

In my opinion- as a parent- it is harder to watch your son go through it and to know that you can push, yell, hollar, scream, fight, make a million phone calls, rant, and whatever, but that ultimately you cannot make this go away for him. That's the hard part. Just know that you have done more in a couple of years for him than the average mom has to do in a lifetime and that because of your love and support he is better, happier, and healthier than he would be without it--no matter how much he might argue the point...
If you are going to push the antidepressents, be aware that he is at an age where most antidepressents have some danger of causing thoughts of suicide. Consider whether he is actually long-term depressed before proceeding. His hospitalization and his dialysis are each reasonable causes for short-term depression. Obviously, I don't know, so I'm just jabbering at the sidelines here.

So glad he's coming home.

Very best wishes,

Deanne, I too am leery of antidepressants in teenagers. Just from some of the things I've read. Like Bob, I am not any kind of professional in the matter, just from what I've read. I also like how Bob qualified his questioning of the long term or short term depression thing. Please, please be sure Brian has some counseling before he actually gets on the drugs, and that he stays with the counselor as long as he is on them.

Hope all is going well for you all at home! I'm sure there is much needed rest going on!

Best wishes.
