**Breaking News** "Bob To Sacrifice Crazy Shirt For The Cause"

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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2005
Miami, FL. I'm not really sure what country this
This just in from the Private Message section of ValveReplacement.com:

tobagotwo said:
StretchL said:
There's talk on the board of passing ritualistically... :)

You know, I gave away a bunch of my more outrageous summer shirts a while back, some of them silk, like this one was. I went through the two boxes that my summer shirts are packed in, then through them again. I didn't find it. Lost, gone to goodwill or homeless Chinese caterpilllars.

I watched the end of a movie with my wife, and went up to the attic again to straighten out the shirts and just look through one more time before admitting to you that, in a fit of normalcy, I had given it away.

As luck would have it, it was curled between two other shirts in the last bunch I was resettling. I don't know how I missed it for the clothing donation box.

Send me your address. It's yours. Wear it in good recovery. Try to get a photo in it for the site.

Best regards,


LOL! AWESOME! You went to so much trouble! That sounds EXACTLY like something I would do... and my wife would say, "GET A JOB, STRETCH!"

I'm so happy! LOL

I will wear it in good recovery and pass it on to the next valver who will don it and promise to pass it on to yet the next.

I owe ya one!

ps- One more thing... if there's a place to SIGN the shirt with the date of your surgery, using permanent ink, I think that would be way cool. We'll make that part of the tradition.

THANKS AGAIN! I can't imagine going through the recent months, nor the coming weeks, without the people who make up this board.
Yes - the dream is about to be realized. Looking forward to seeing the disco pose Stretch. And please - do wear it in "good recovery".
StretchL said:
This just in from the Private Message section of ValveReplacement.com:

"I will wear it in good recovery and pass it on to the next valver who will don it and promise to pass it on to yet the next.

ps- One more thing... if there's a place to SIGN the shirt with the date of your surgery, using permanent ink, I think that would be way cool. We'll make that part of the tradition."

The secret to life, I think, is finding a way to put a little bit of fun and anticipation into every day. And this is a perfect example! if you try, you can even have fun in the days immediately after heart surgery.

P.S.- Is this how cults get started?:D :D If so, I am ready to join.
I think it is a great and fun idea. Are the females going to come up with something or do we have to don the shirt also?!!:eek:
Silk Shirt Saga

Silk Shirt Saga

I was wondering what was the latest on that and I was going to post on the other thread about it to heckle Bob a little bit but decided not to, in case he was really attached to that shirt....

But you two, Stretch and Bob, both display some clever humor so I was hoping it would be a "go."

Regarding the possibility of, "The Signing of the Shirt," I do believe that Sharpie Markers make silver and gold laundry-proof markers; if not them then another similar brand does because I have a couple.

My husband has been taking pilot lessons and the first time he flew solo they cut the back of his shirt out. They hung it up with others at the flight school. I don't know the origin of that ritual but it's kind of fun.
CathyK. said:
I think it is a great and fun idea. Are the females going to come up with something or do we have to don the shirt also?!!:eek:

I think women should feel free to don the soon-to-be-traditional "VR.com Ceremonial Post-Op Recovery Shirt," also. Disco pose required; scar display optional.

I should be discharged 12/15 or 12/16. We'll make the photo, upload it here, sign the shirt (if there's space in that crazy pattern), and forward it on to the next person on the calendar, if they're game. Who would that be?

FYI, the original photo of Bob in the soon-to-be-traditional-shirt is at http://valvereplacement.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=4606&d=1164297823
Susan BAV said:
My husband has been taking pilot lessons and the first time he flew solo they cut the back of his shirt out. They hung it up with others at the flight school. I don't know the origin of that ritual but it's kind of fun.
They didn't cut anything off :eek: when I made my first solo flight years ago. They did cut the end of a man's tie off, but I can't remember for which milestone.

They have rituals for when you hit various skydiving #'s; around here, 1,000 jumps warrants a cake in the face (your choice of cake). And if you land on the runway--instead of the pea gravel-- you owe the group a case of beer. I think it's a way of breaking up the monotony.
Susan - my son is in flight school and they did the same thing to him. He came home with his laundry and I washed that shirt and when I realized it didn't have a back to it I asked him what he had done to a perfectly good t-shirt. He told me they cut the back out and hang it on the wall after your first solo.

Stretch - I'm game for the shirt but probably won't reveal the scar, will do the pose. I go back to the Dr. Jan. 12th to set a date. I'll be looking forward to my turn!!
Sounds good, Kathy! I'm sure you'll not be the last woman to wear the shirt but hide the scar! :)

Speaking of rituals... Noni and I went hot air ballooning for the first time during a vactaion in Austria last year. After your inaugural flight, you're given a "Balloonist Name" and christened by having a piece of your hair lit on fire and then extinguished with champagne. Needless to say this was a real challenge for me... ;)
StretchL said:
Sounds good, Kathy! I'm sure you'll not be the last woman to wear the shirt but hide the scar! :)

Oh, I don't know about that.;)
In this particular case, it might be better to flaunt the scar and hide the shirt!:D :p
Okay, so the movie needs to be called "Brother and Sisterhood of the Traveling Shirt".

I'm here as a witness to tell you that when you send things to VR members, they do as they say they will. I've sent out a DVD of a member's appearance on the BBC to many people, had them send it on to others, thinking I'd never see it again (but was okay with that) and it came back every time.
StretchL.......you are sooo funny. I love your sense of humor!!!:D
I would be proud to wear the "shirt" when the time comes! Little things like this make life worth living!!:)

I always had a little suspicions that some people at this forum were a little nuts....my suspicions have been confirmed:D