My mother was on coumadin for years because of a history of pulmonary embolism. Later in life she also developed macular degeneration in one eye. Nobody ever mentioned a possible connection with coumadin and this is the first I ever heard of that possibility.
When I say "later in life," I really mean it. She was 96 when she died.
She didn't smoke -- she had smoked in her 20's and 30's but not heavily.
I'm really glad I got that valve repair. A couple more months on warfarin .....
Marty, I can only say I hope things improve for you.
Maybe I should mention that even with macular degeneration, my mom's eyesight outlived her & she was still able to do the things she liked: read, watch television, go to movies and work the x-word puzzles she loved. We were really worried when we got the diagnosis, because, ironically, the MD was in her GOOD eye; she had very poor eyesight in the other one bc of a defective lens implant from a cataract operation.