I had a Ross procedure performed in January of this year for a bicuspic aeortic valve. No prior expternal sympoms and everything went very smooth on the surgery. The only symptom I am left with is a bounding pule, sometimes I see refered to as a waterhammer pulse. When I am active, it is not noticeable, but when I am at rest, it is very noticable. For example, with my legs crossed, by calf and foot wil move about 1/4 of an inch with my pulse. I will also shake a table with my elbows on it. My cardiolgist and surgeon are not worried and just suggest that i will get used to it. I am concerned about the long term effect of this kind of a surge throughout my body. Anyone else experience this? I have see the 2002 posts speculating that the mechanical valves are so efficient they cause this symptom, but with the ross, I have a biologocal valve. Any insight is appreciated.