I'm glad to hear that you have your asthma and hypothyroidism under control. From what I have read about hypothyroidism it is VERY common in women as they "mature."
I have also read that hypothyroidism can cause heart enlargement if you already have heart disease.
We have cats and both Wayne and I are mildly allergic to them, so I think this asthma has been a long time coming. My grandfather had asthma, so it is hereditary also. The pulmonologist wanted to put me on Singulair and I said no. I have read up on Singulair on the internet and now believe I want to take it. It sounds as if it has few serious side effects and even children take it. It is for allergies and asthma. I think I need to open up my airways to help my heart to work less hard. I did get an albuterol inhaler as I have had one of those in the distant past (before my surgery). The pulmonologist said my asthma is very mild and nothing to worry about - he did say I could have a full-blown asthma attack at any time and the Singulair would help to hopefully prevent that and keep the asthma from getting worse.
I have this "thing" about taking medications - just don't like to take them, but I am getting to the age where they are going to become necessary I think. Of course the thing to do is to get rid of the cats, but of course we can't do that - we have had a couple of them for over 15 years. We will NOT replace them when they die, though, which is sad to think about, as Wayne and I both love cats.
A lot on my health plate right now.
I think my being on is to serve as a warning to others -

- to get control of your stress!! Stress can really cause a lot of health problems. It is no secret here that I am kind of high strung. Hee. I used to joke about this in my younger days but it is not funny at all any more. I can still joke, but it is now a serious concern and I truly hope that I can learn to manage my stress in much healthier ways and in turn, my physical health will improve.
Thanks Nancy! I hope Joe is doing well.
Christina L