Blood Work

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Movie Review: Just saw Clint Eastwood's new movie "Blood Work" in which he portrays a 72-year old retired FBI agent who, 60 days post-op heart transplant, goes after a much younger fiendish killer. He goes after a moving car with a blazing shotgun, pushes two L.A. dectives simultaneously off of his boat, outguns the submachinegun armed villian, outsmarts the L.A. police, and submits to going to bed with the 30-year old heroine after she feels his 18" long by 2" wide chest scar.

The film is realistic. Because of his condition he chugs pills, has to take naps, and gets fired by his cardiologist for not following medical instructions. But in the end he gets both the killer and the girl.

I'm inspired. In spite of being 3 years younger, an additional 60 days post-op, and having only AVR, I'm not doing nearly as well. I'm sleeping with a 60-year, and can't shoot, fight, chase or even think as fast as Clint. While he and I are about even in the naps department, I have to wonder if his 18" by 2" chest scar outclasses my 3" by 1/4" chest scar. Back to intensified weight and walk training for me.

(Seriously, I enjoyed the film.)

AVR; 4/02; CCF; Cosgrove; Bovine Tissue
Forget exercising

Forget exercising

Don, The reason you cannot shoot, fight or chase like Clint is the fact that you are sleeping with a 60 year old and you are worn out:D :D :D Take it from a 60+ year old woman...;) ;) ;) Bonnie
Great Post!!

Great Post!!

Really enjoyed that post. Think I'll go see that movie now.!:D :D :D Syl
Zipper -- laughter is a good thing; glad I could contribute.
Granbonny -- my wife enjoyed your comment; I don't dare have anything further to say. (our AVR dates are close to each other).
Sylgeren -- hope you enjoyed the movie.
AVR; 4/12/02; CCF; Cosgrove; Bovine Tissue