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Hi Evelyn,

I just read your post from yesterday and want you to know that you are in my prayers. I'm learning more and more that, regardless of what happens in this life, God is still with me and I am OK. I hate that you have to have a biopsy but hope that it is negative. If not, then we'll be here for you just like you always have been for us. Much love going your way today!
Thank you all so much. I'll take every prayer I can find. Having had this done before, I know what I'm in for.....not looking forward to it, but have put it in God's hands, so I think I'm ready.

Have to be at the hospital at 8 tomorrow and will post when I get home. Told the surgeon last Monday when I saw him that it was a local or nothing---he said he'd think about it!!! They'd rather use versid---controlled sleep. Also told him if he needed to he could take it all off---at least that way I'd lose 10 lbs. or so---he didn't think that was necessary.

Thanks for the prayers.

I hope everything went well, Evelyn!

I've had two breast biopsies, both were benign fribro-adenomas. The worry was the worst part of it.

I hope you got your local!
ALL IS WELL!! Just got home and had to let you all know. He removed scar tissue (from previous surgery) and some additional fibrous tissue, but said everything looked great---pathology report will be Monday but he said don't even worry about it!!!.

Thanks you all for the support.....I'm sore, but that's fine with me!

Off to a nap.

That's terrific news Evelyn!
You sound relieved....have a great weekend!:)
Well, that is very cool, Evelyn. So glad it turned out OK.

I do wish there could be some way these things could be resolved without the invasiveness of a biopsy, though. A close friend of mine had a "suspicious mammogram" a year or so ago. So they followed up with an MRI. Confusingly, the MRI, which is supposed to show more than a mammo (or so I thought) showed nothing. So they redid the mammo and there was the "suspicious" whatever-it-was again. So on to the biopsy, which cleared her. (I forget what exactly it turned out to be.) But she was sore for a long time afterwards, plus the mental wear and tear on her and family & friends.
Yeah!!! Time to celebrate. I know you will have a great weekend now! I'm so glad the news was good.

Wonderful news Evelyn! Thanks for letting us know so quickly as you know we would be waiting for the results right along with you. The sky always looks a little bluer when someone gets such good news.
Great news, Ev

Great news, Ev

I hope you have a very nice weekend. I still have cloth on his incision ..Little infected.. but he is back in school...Oh, what little things God throws our way.. Just makes us stonger and more thankful for all our health....Bonnie
Such good news! Congratulations! Now go out and enjoy yourself this weekend!
Thanks again, Guys!!! I do so love this group! Bon, you're right, things do get thrown our way.

One thing I thought was very interesting was that this surgeon said he now recommends mammos for EVERY WOMAN at 35, not 40. He said they're seeing more and more breast cancer in younger women and they have to start earlier getting mammos and doing exams. One of the ladies at our dog obedience class is 37 and in stage 3A cancer. It's so scary, Ladies, please take good care of yourselves!!!

You're right, Anne-Marie----they worrying and waiting is the worst. I can tell you this, though, BOY DID I SLEEP WELL LAST NIGHT!!!

May you all be blessed.



I will certainly keep you in thoughts and prayers. Much luck to you. Peggy
One of my best friends died of breast cancer on her 35th birthday. Buried on Mother's Day....Left 2 small children (same age as mine at the time) That was 25 years ago..let a small town doctor treat her...Sad..Bonnie


I couldn't be happier for you. I just KNOW you had a great weekend. I guess we all occasionally need to be reminded what's important; but frankly, I think everyone who visits here has had ENOUGH REMINDERS ALREADY and APPRECIATES THE GOOD THINGS IN LIFE.

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