Bill Hall's birthday

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Dear Bill,

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you!"
Hope you will have many, many more to celebrate my dear friend. Every birthday is a gift, so make it a good one:D :D :D

Congenital AVR's
8/7/00 & 8/18/00
TMC, Tucson, AZ
Dr. Gulshan Sethi
Thank you both for your nice notes. Monday is not the best day for a birthday, however it was good to be home with family. I think I will have to celebrate harder next year.
Gracious me Bill!!! If I could get outta my fog for a minute or two.... :(

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!! Hope it was good and that you were treated like a king!!!

Take care,
Zazzy -

Thanks for the Happy Birthday. I had my appendix out in 1971, so we have one more thing in common. Stay healthy!