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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2002
WE (AS IN MY WHOLE FAMILY)Had Ahugepartyto celebrate the fact that the hospital made a horrible mistake and notified the wrong family that their only child had died. My cousin did not lose her son! Bobby is very much alive!:D :D :D :D :D :)
That is great news! It's a shame that such mistakes are made and it doesn't seem possible in this day and age that it can happen, but as we all see, it does.
OH, my gosh!

OH, my gosh!

What a horrible mistake............but I am so glad that it WAS a mistake in this case. Many hugs and thanks for sharing that with us. Janet
we hear about this sort of thing in the news and it is always so sad. one wonders how it could happen, but apparently it does, as we see here. I am so sorry for the other family, but very happy for yours. Thank you for telling us. Blessins to all......
Hensylee said it better than I could.
I'm glad you're not suffering from losing Bobby.
Wow, that is incredible! There was a case like that just in the news. 2 girls in a car accident, one died, one was horribly injured. The families didn't know until 5 weeks after the accident that the coroner identified the wrong girl, because the girl in the hospital could finally tell everyone who she was.
Oh My Gosh! What a horrible story. I am so gald to hear, though, that your family still has Bobby!
Hmmm....sounds a little fishy to me

Hmmm....sounds a little fishy to me

I know that mistakes happen, and it is possible, I'm just not sure I buy it.

I haven't been around a lot lately, and I don't know this poster from Adam, but I just get a strange "feeling", that this is all some kind of made-up story for attention.

I had read the post about Bobby having died, and then researched to find out what had been wrong with him and the details. I didn't find many...just that he had felt something jumping and was going to have mitral valve surgery over Memorial weekend.

Okay, but then, there is no follow-up whatsoever, no update on his surgery that I can find...and there was one post where someone even asked about him, but there was no reply...and the next thing we know...she posts about her young cousin's "death"...and a few days later...oops he's alive!

If there really is a Bobby, God bless him, and praise the Lord that he's alive, and I apologize if I am's just that there have been others here that have done similar things in the past...and each time I had this same "funny feeling"...and it turned out to be right.
I don't mean to be unduly skeptical but I, too, would like to know a few more details about this. We know that a few horrible mixups have occurred in medical identification, but we know of those because the media reported what happened. Were there any newspaper or TV accounts in this case?

In the horrible case in which identifying the two girls after an auto crash was so hard because of the physical damage they suffered, you could see how a coroner might make a mistake, unacceptable though such a mistake would be. However, in the case of a heart patient, how could that be? That's why I was asking in an earlier post how Bobby could have been misidentified in the hospital. How could his family not know it?

I join in raising this question because all of us may deal with loved ones being in the hospital at one time or another, and if something like this can happen, we need to know how so we can guard against it.
Well folks, I've known Letitia since starting here. I do not think she would allow anything silly to be pulled on us. She's had a tough time herself which is why she doesn't post nearly as often as she once did. She had a major stroke during her surgery and what we take for granted, is very difficult for her to do, so please, cut her some slack. ;) She would have nothing to gain or to lose by posting such a thing if it were not true as she knows it.
We know Letitia for YEARS! We lost her when she had a stroke after her heart surgery. Couldn't find her for the longest time. It was because she couldn't post. Ross sent out all kinds of queries. She's one of our favorites. She'd never do anything like you are suggesting. Letitia, hon, you hang on in there. You know that we love you.
The process may not have taken days, but hours for Letitia's cousin to find that they were wrongly notified. Letitia just may not have had the news reach her as quickly if she isn't living in the same area as the family.
Thank you, Karlynn. That is very helpful and plausible. For the record, I wasn't suggesting anyone had purposely made up a story. I just thought further facts would be helpful knowledge. I guess I shouldn't have asked. I will try to do less asking around here.
RobHol said:
Thank you, Karlynn. That is very helpful and plausible. For the record, I wasn't suggesting anyone had purposely made up a story. I just thought further facts would be helpful knowledge. I guess I shouldn't have asked. I will try to do less asking around here.
I don't think it is wrong to question things when stories are a bit unusual. If I have such questions, I will usually PM Ross or some other member who has been around a bit. That helps keep things from getting uncomfortable if they are on the up and up.
We have all had a few unpleasant things happen on this site (it happens on all sites) and simply want to prevent deception.
It does help to know some of Letitia's history. It explains a lot of why there might have been a delay in informing us of the mistake. She may have simply been overwhelmed with the roller coaster ride and this was her first opportunity to settle down and let us know.
The hospital involved sure has a lot of explaining to do.
This is great news, but I am wondering too. When did he have his surgery? Someone said something about Memorial Day, so surely he wouldn't still be in the hospital? What kind of hospital was he in where the nurses didn't know who he was? He would have been wearing a hospital id bracelet as well. This story hits me as really strange and well beyond malpractice.
The sad part of all of this is that a few bad apples have made it manditory that we question everything. If it hadn't been for them, we wouldn't. I know most of you do not know Letitia, but us old timers do. She may not even be back for a long time now, which will further your thoughts on the whole thing, but this is the way it's been for her since her stroke. Again, please cut her some slack. She has no reason to feed us bogus info nor anything to gain. Just be happy with her about this. ;)

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