Post-op I had some problems with my chest tube incisions healing-esp
one of them,it must have taken about 6 weeks or more. It kept on
granulating,then scabbing over,but it didn't look right,so I would press
on it and drainage would seep out. So, initially I would clean it, give it
some more time but the drainage(purosanguinous-half pus,half blood)
was still there so I had to pull the whole scab off and start over and
I had to do this a couple times before it finally healed. What I did was
cleaned it out with a betadine /peroxide mix,dry it with sterile pads,and
then cover it with the real thin layer gauze so it will dry out-unless I
was going outside or going to be cleaning or something. I also had to
dab it with betadine a couple times a day and not let it stay damp after
a shower or if sweating. I am an R.N. graduate and it took all of my so-
called skills to heal this 1/2 inch wound!
Just make sure to note what
type of drainage it you know if it is getting infected,you may need
some antibiotics to help it along.
My Best-Dina
BTW-what Nancy said about helping it to granulate is a good idea,
with large wounds you can 'pack it' with a little sterile gauze,but
with smaller ones you can pull the edges together.
one of them,it must have taken about 6 weeks or more. It kept on
granulating,then scabbing over,but it didn't look right,so I would press
on it and drainage would seep out. So, initially I would clean it, give it
some more time but the drainage(purosanguinous-half pus,half blood)
was still there so I had to pull the whole scab off and start over and
I had to do this a couple times before it finally healed. What I did was
cleaned it out with a betadine /peroxide mix,dry it with sterile pads,and
then cover it with the real thin layer gauze so it will dry out-unless I
was going outside or going to be cleaning or something. I also had to
dab it with betadine a couple times a day and not let it stay damp after
a shower or if sweating. I am an R.N. graduate and it took all of my so-
called skills to heal this 1/2 inch wound!
type of drainage it you know if it is getting infected,you may need
some antibiotics to help it along.
My Best-Dina
BTW-what Nancy said about helping it to granulate is a good idea,
with large wounds you can 'pack it' with a little sterile gauze,but
with smaller ones you can pull the edges together.