For 42+ years, I thought, and doctors never corrected me, that my heart valve damage was the result of misdiagnosed Rheumatic Fever. Recently I changed Cardios(my first change in 42 years) and in reviewing some of my old medical records, noticed a one line sentence in a checkup I had in 1997 by my old Cardio....."most likely a bicuspid valve, not rheumatic fever". My new cardio, who I saw for the first time today, confirmed that it probably was a bicuspid valve. He said that back when I had the surgery, because of the science at the time, they blamed most heart valve damage on rheumatic fever. He said the only way to know for sure would have been thru testing of the removed valve. He and I agreed that, for me, the true cause of my problem is no longer a big issue, but he thought I might suggest to my sons that they be checked if we want to be sure the problem has not been passed down to them. My mother and sister both died at 69 of "heart attacks". Needless to say, this new news, after all these years, floored me.
I guess I'll have to start reading the "bicuspid valve forum"
I guess I'll have to start reading the "bicuspid valve forum"