Best way to recover a swallowed crown ?

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Glad you decided to spend the money. There is no way if I found a crown in sh*t, I could put it in my mouth! I LMAO at your entire story. How funny:D
Scott, you're awful! I probably would have hit you with something worse than a bran muffin. It was funny though. I can see it now! ! I needed a good laugh for the day. The only problem, when my husband pulls pranks on me, I don't get made, I get even. I always, always get him back!
Now THAT is awesome. We could give each other ideas... when I worked in the lab (this was years ago) we had a tech who had a major issue with stool samples... so I put a snickers bar in a sterile cup... heated it a little, added some water, put the lid on, stuck a generic label on it and walked into the back of the lab with it. When he groaned and complained I told him I would test it for him- the old fashioned way (gross, but yes, they really did test it like this in the past) I opened the lid, stuck my finger in, took a huge glop and stuck it in my mouth. He almost passed out. I laughed so hard I thought I was gonna wet myself... and everyone else in the room was horrified too- until I caught enough breath to tell them the truth---
Point being... I laughed so hard when I read your story-- I can totally picture it! Awesome! Sometime I should tell you how you can get people with liquid orajel....I think you would truly appreciate it!
Scott ~ you are going to be forever cemented in my memory as the guy who digs for gold..!

I think I like you Samantha...hehehe

And I bet "olefin" Dayton throws Baby Ruths in those cruise ship swimming pools...ewww!
Karma has evidently come back to bite me ! (no pun intended). I saw the dentist yesterday finally. The crown I "lost" was on top of a root canal. Well he took an xray and it appears that the underlying tooth is cracked and putting a crown back on top of it isn't a viable option. Also it appears that there is a bit of infection at the base of the root. I'm on anti-biotics now for the infection. So he wants to have the tooth extracted and the hole then filled with a bone composite. Once that hardens and integrates with the jaw bone structure (3 months approx) they will come back and drill a hole for a post. Once THAT heals (2 more months) they will put the crown in.

I've had a few minor dental procedures done since surgery but the extraction will be my first significant work where there will be bleeding. Of course I will be pre-medicated for it. Fortunately I have an appointment earlier that day with the local Vampire to have my INR checked. So as long as Im in range (hopefully on the low side) I will be good to go. If Im too high "above 3.0" Im going to get the extraction re-scheduled. Im not in any pain so there really isn't a huge rush.

I will post again this weekend with the extraction results.
I can relate to some of your dilemma.. all but the part of losing the crown. :D

For the last 5 months my Endodontics has been trying to save a tooth that had an old root canal. Besides pre-medicated before each visit I've taken several 10 day doses of antibiotics after each procedure and getting ready to start another tomorrow.

I didn't know I had a problem until my teeth cleaning back in July. The girl said I had a red bump on the gum by that tooth. My dentist suspected the tooth had infection. He sent me to the Endodontics. The Endodontics drilled through the crown, I could smell the stink from the infection. He cleaned it all out several different times and each time let it soak full antibiotics. He and I thought it was doing good until a few days I began to feel something wrong with that tooth. X-ray today shows nothing but he suspects the tooth is cracked, I do also. For many years ago I had another tooth crack that took forever before anyone could detect it. The crack was found when they tried to do a root canal.

He plans to extract the tooth 2nd of February. At first he said I'd have to stop warfarin the week before but I said no. He then agree to do it my way. He said he could take care of any bleeding. I told him I'd have my INR down on the low end of control for I took care of that. He was happy about that.

Good luck with your extraction and remaining procedures.
Ooo. Ewww. This has become an even nastier thread... :eek: Dental work gives me the heebiejeebies. I do just about anything to avoid it- and even go in medicated for my cleanings (not antibiotics- just a good dose of ativan). Augh.... I would prefer to hunt for the crown than go through your new venture... So So Sorry for you... **good luck to you**
Unfortunately the extraction was pushed by a week. My dentist referred me to a guy who does "basement" work, he is going to pull the tooth and fill the space with a bone composite for a single tooth implant. The tooth fractured so there is no saving it. I would like to just have this pulled but its molar and the one behind it is already gone. I gotta have something to chew with. The "basement" guy wants to talk to my cardio first, really just a formality.

My wife says its karma for kitchen bucket stunt :) Im waiting to see what the insurance will cover, I might need that bucket when I find out what this is gonna cost.