Ben Smith

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Great minds..........

Great minds..........

Hey Ben........where are you?
Yahoo, Ben.............

Yahoo, Ben.............

Hey there Benjamin,

Are you and Cindy joining us in Vegas like you said at the last reunion? Gordon and I hope so! We will be there!

Hope to see you there!

Christina in AZ...

Where are you and Cindy? Are we going to see you in two months? Remember the ponytail contest!

Let us know that you're okay! Take care!
Hi Everyone,

I spoke with Ben about a month ago. He was doing fine, but siad he was having a very busy summer.

Soooo... I just called him on the phone, got his message and told him to get hit butt back on the board and post. Hope to hear from him soon.

Hey Rob.....Hey Ben

Hey Rob.....Hey Ben

I've been off the boards for a while and I should not be telling anyone to get their butts back on, but friendship lasts no matter how long the distance is, in miles or time.

Getting back (albeit, somewhat slowly) makes me feel home again with "My Family of Heart Buddies"

San Antonio was Great, Nashville was wonderful and Las Vegas will be better, especially if all my buddies turn out for a few days of "bonding".
Hey All

Hey All

Thank you for the call, letting me know that my family here is asking about me.

As Rob stated, I have been extreamly busy this summer and all clues lead me to believe this will continue for some time. Work is keeping me away from my children and wife more than I care to allow. But this will not be forever, I am in the process of promoting one of my project managers to be my direct assistant. It will take some time to train that person, but upon completed life should level out from 60-70 hours per week to 50 or so. Enough about work.

Rob, Sorry I missed your call. I always enjoy our telephone conversations. I saw your number on the ID but could not get to it in time. I was on the other line.

Mr. Gleason, How have you been sir. Even the time I have "lurked" lately (not in a few weeks) here on the site I hadn't seen much from you. I trust all is well with you and yours.

Billy, are a beautifull man. Even though you still have all of your hair.

Cindy, the kids and I are still busy here in Ohio. Although I do not think I would have a chance in he.. to win any pony tail contest...........but Cindy may take it all. lol

Sylvia, Hensylee, and all.....
I am doing just great, well as far as my physical health goes. Those of you who know me know that the mental health has been in question for years. lmao

I did have my two year anniversary of my Ross Procedure on the 8th of this month. Along with that came my check up. I was at CCF in late June to see my cardio and all is well. No leaks in the valves.......gradient normal.......LV at same size as irregularities at all. I thank God every day for the normal sinus rythm He has given me following those boughts of arrythmia's....and the pestering PVC's that seemed they would never end. I still feel a PVC every now and again, but I would venture to say it doesn't happen but every three or four weeks. And even then it is only one or two, not twenty plus minutes of continual skipped beats.

Again, I feel outstanding other than the weight I haved time to be in the gym.

As far as Vegas goes, it doesn't appear at this point that Cindy and i will be able to make it. We both would really love to come join our friends for a wonderfull week end, but it seems all is playing against us. From work and no time to monies we hadn't planned on spending needing spent for various reasons.
But trust me my friends....if I can swing it Cindy and I will be there. It just isn't looking good at this point, so we are not getting our hopes up.

Well I will continue to make an attempt to stay up on the happenings here with my family and God Bless,

Gladda see ya, Ben. Sure missed you, but understand busness - sometimes it just takes over your life. Just wanted to know you are doing ok. Thanks for stopping by and if we lose you again, we will just holler. God bless
Benny and the ....

Benny and the ....

Hello Ben,

Glad you are keeping out of trouble, but sad it's work that's doing it! Sounds like you've got it under control and at least getting some assistance/planning for the future.

I'm not going to make it to Vegas either, but I'm hpoing the vote for the 2003 Reunion is headed for Cleveland. You'll be there, I'm certain.

Best to Cindy and family.

Perry not making it????

Perry not making it????

It's very good to hear from you Ben. Don't give up on Vegas - you just never know! I know how lifes challenges can get to you - My motto is "busy is better than dead"

Hey Perry - Did I just hear you correctly that you are not going to Vegas? Whats up with that? - Email me buddy!


Thank you Sylvia. And I will do my best to try not to work to hard.
Fairly good motto Hank........"a bad day (fill in the blank) is better than a good day working".......that's pretty close to my motto.
Perry, I think we should push for the cruise for 2003.

All the best to all of my family here.

God Bless,
