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Billy and Irish music

Billy and Irish music

are you a fan of Eoin McLove?

If you know who this is, I'll really be laughing.
Hey Mara

Hey Mara

Hey Mara,

I have a feeling David introduced you to this kind of entertainment. Surely Fr. Ted hasn't travelled across the atlantic.

We only sent the show to England so that the 'Brits' could use it as a language learning exercise.

I think I like your sense of humour - Watch out for Kevin McAleer, he'll knock you out.................if he's sober.
you're right. i love Ted. "Hurray Ted we're going to heaven" I wish Dermot Morgan hadn't died. That show was too funny.

We actually get Ted on BBC America now. I never thought that would happen. I thought the Catholic Legion of Decency would have shut it down. My very Catholic friend from work was not amused by it. She thought it made fun of priests and Catholics. I think it is too funny. It used to be sandwiched in between Harry Enfield and Ground Force. Both great shows!

I would move to the UK just for the television. (....and the Cadbury's and the single nougats and the bacon and the fish and the Irn Bru.)

David had all the Teds on video, so our first big purchase was a VCR that plays all the different formats so we could watch Ted.

David says the Scots sent "Rab C. Nesbit" to the English as a lanuguage learning exercise! He said that sometimes Rab C. was broadcast with subtitles because the English couldn't understand the Scottish accents. Is that hilarious or what!?



So Mara.......................

Where does Mr Billy Connolly rate in your top 10 Comedians?

My middle son Steven (the footballer) just thinks that there's nobody to compare with him. He just 'dies' laughing every time the 'big yin' comes on screen.
Watch BBC all the time - My favorite is "Are you being served". Years ago when my sister and I worked together, we would call out to each other "Are you free" - the other would look round before answering "Yes, I am free". We had a ball with it. It was on our local Educational Station before BBC was here. :D
Billy Connelly is great! We got a "Best of" video of him for Christmas. You know he was on a really bad sitcom here called" Head of the Class" Ughh. was it awful. Too bad the show was so terrible, he is great. He was awesome in "Mrs. Brown".

We also like Craig Ferguson. And Robbie Coltrane. Ardal O'Hanlan's comedy video was not that funny. He's a lot funnier on Ted. And Harry Enfield is great. We got "Kevin and Perry Go Large" for Christmas, too. Those skits were hilarious!

I used to watch "Are you being Served" But after the 500th time it's old. Our PBS station played them to death. Now they show pretty good stuff. Brittas' Empire, Last of the Summer Wine, As Time Goes By.
I think my all time favorite is " Good Neighbors" known in the UK as " The Good Life" That was a great show! But it's not on over here any more. The all time funniest episode of any British tv show was the episode of "Vicar of Dibley" where Alice and Hugo get married. I laughed until I was crying! I won't tell you what happens in case you get that show and see it!!
Hey Mara...........

Hey Mara...........

Hey Mara.....

Did you know that a book based on the life story of Billy Connolly has just been released in the bookstores here.

And surprise! surprise! - It has been written by none other than Mrs Billy Connolly. Haven't read it yet but I'm reliably informed that it is a great 'read.'
Thanks for the tip Billy. That's just what we need, another shipment from!

I'll have to check it out.

Billy Connelly is really funny.

If you haven't seen Craig Ferguson in "The Big Tease" it is a great no-brainer movie to rent.

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