Before and After

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Hey everyone,

Here are the "Order of The Tawdry Shirt" before and after.

They are hosted on shutterfly. Click the link to link to

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Order of the Tawdry Shirt – Before and After with Incision

Detailed Post Surgery Pics (these show wires, tubes, etc so use your discretion)

Time for me to go do exercises and breathe. I did a little too much yesterday (yeah - I know imagine that...) so Priscila is controlling my activity a bit more tightly today. I'll post more later.

Since I'm only 2 1/2 months out from surgery, other than the face, it all looks way too familiar. One thing I noticed is that at the top of my incision, which seems to go a little higher than yours, I had a big bulge where I'm told they gather muscle tissue don't have that.
Glad you are in such good spirits and not only do you have to listen to your body to know where do draw the line but you have to really listen to Priscilla.

I have a little "tissue" bump as you described but it is already smaller than it was a couple of days ago.
It all looks good!:)
Like Kodi, I had a massive bump at the top of the incision, and it took a long time to reduce in size.
You sound perky, but don't forget, you're apt to pay for "perky" further on down the line.;)
So glad to see the shirt pictures and hope to see Stretch and Nan in it soon too. Don't overdo- enjoy home and continue with a great recovery!
your face is so much nicer than the rest. And that shirt is really tacky. er, I mean tawdry.

Scar? mine's longer, too. Starts higher, goes lower.

Thanks for sharing.
Wow, I definitely was too self conscious to be taken any pictures when I still had my chest tubes in! You look surprisingly good though.

I have the bump at the top of my scar, it is pretty small. They told me it would not go away for at least a couple months.

Cheers to BobH for being such a good sport and letting loose all that good karma with his charmed shirts!!

David you look're just beaming!!! (is it the drugs?? ;) )

My scar is half as long....barely 5 inches. With his man sized hands, I have no idea how my surgeon got in there!!! Maybe he has a robot friend I wasn't told about. :confused:

Now stay steady on that recovery....glad Priscilla has a watchful eye.
Best wishes!!

My own scar is just over 13" long. A marvelous surgeon, but I never thought to consider the size of his hands.

Ah, yes...

It's a vile thing to be sure, this sister shirt to StretchL’s notoriously photographed version. Yet it has so far been paraded around in by two who had surgery on Tuesday and were home by Friday. Not a bad start for a blithely meretricious tatter fashioned of pure Bombyx mori cocoon thread and bluster. (Okay, “fashioned” was probably a cruel misuse of the verb.)

And is the shirt really the key to quick recovery? Ridiculous, of course.


I mean, it couldn’t…you know..? How could it..? Nah…

It’s good to see you doing well. Don’t push things past your internal limits, or you may just promote Mary’s warning to prophecy. You know how you feel. Use that as your guide. Your body will not lie to you, if you are listening carefully. I would stay away from emotional stress as mch as possible, as I believe that eats up more of your energy than any other single source.

However, it does look so far like you’re going to be exposed to the same guilt I’ve often felt: I really got through open heart surgery ‘way too easily. Knock on tall, green, Living Pine.

Best wishes,
Bob, I'd have to agree. I think about the only time one would be excused for wearing such a shirt would be post-OHS.

David - You've been eating your Wheaties. I can't remember anyone that's come close to your "bounce-back" recovery. You look in very good health. Heed Mary's caution - you can find yourself paying for perky.
Bradley White said:
I have the bump at the top of my scar, it is pretty small. They told me it would not go away for at least a couple months.

Couple months?

My goodness ... my bump has NEVER gone away :(. And, yeah, it does make me self conscious ... even though I'm rarely with my shirt off.


Cool pics, David ... thanks for sharing :). As others have said, that shirt fits you ;).

Cort:33swm."Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"I am tempted to keep the car in drive and leave it all behind" ... John Mayer ... 'Why Georgia Why'
David, in opinion you look as well three days post op as you did before surgery. I think you just took a ride around town, stopped for an ice cream cone or something, and just went back home! Actually, you're an encouragment to those who will go through surgery after you, in your attitude and your post op appearance. My brother looked awful after his Ross Procedure...he wasn't in good health otherwise either. Best wishes for your continued recovery.
I guess I don't worry about my scars. Probably since I have had one from arm pit to arm pit sideways since I was 5 in 1959. Now I just have another one vertically, so my chest looks like I have a giant cross on it, plus another one short one up towards my right shoulder. THe cross thing had me thinking I should start a religious cult, think it would work? :D
:D I am finding this whole thing very entertaining!!!
Better than the traveling pants movie.. is the Traveling OHS shirt at VR.Com!!:D :D

So glad to see how wonderful you look after OHS- it is encouraging to those who wait! although still a little scary seeing the tubes and scars etc.

Please continue to heal and recover well.

You and Priscilla have my very best wishes for a Very Merry Christmas and Happy and Healthy New Year!

Why look it?s the disco DUCK!!!

Disco, disco duck
Disco, disco duck

At least you didn't try the "Travolta Slide"!!!!! OUCH!!!!!:eek:

Good pictures, thanks for sharing. Looking forward to the continuing saga of the "Order of The Tawdry Shirt" as it makes it's rounds.

May God Bless,
