Been a While

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Mike M. in Hous

:) ;) Hi All,

Been a while since I have been in. have to say sorry for that but I have been very busy with work, averaging 60 hours a week. To be frank after staring at a comp screen all day I have very little desire to go on line.
I still think and pray for all those here even though I have not met any of the new members in a while.
I can not remember if my INR was stable yet the last time I posted but it has been stable for several months now though I still am working on getting the home test from the VA. Almost had it worked out but a nurse messed up the paper work the last time
so next month when I see the doctor I try again.
Because of work I am afraid I do not walk as much as I was but other than that everything is going fine. I have had no relapses or problems and other than watching my diet closer than i used to everything is back to norm, or at least as normal as I ever was.
I very seldom think about haveing a mech. valve and hardly ever notice the ticking. either mine has a silencer or I am loseing my hearing but it does not bother me any where near as much as I thought it would. In fact for a while there I would get worried because I didn't hear it.
Well this is getting long so I'll sign off now.
Those of you still waiting I will still pray for and remember the waiting is the worse but once it is over you will feel so much better I know I do.

Mike in Houston

AVR April 5 2001 Houston VA Med Center
St Judes Mechanical
Hi Mike,

It's really good to see you back on the board. I sure can relate to the long weeks and having your face buried in a computer screen all day! It does get hard to even look at one when you get home.

You sound like everything is going real well for you.. Fantastic! Sure hope you get that paperwork squared away and are able to get a home testing unit. They really do provide peace of mind.

Hope to see you on many many times in the future,

Hey, Mike - good to see you again. It's been awhile and we missed you. Welcome back and come in when you have a moment or so. Glad to hear you are doing so well. Nice, huh? God bless:)