Been a long time!

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Hi everyone! Sorry for not posting for a while.

I had exploratory surgery last Wednesday and ended up having an appendectomy. Went home the next day; went to the ER on Friday night; back home; and then early yesterday morning went to see the surgeon who put me back in the hospital overnight for observation. I was running a low-grade temp and was dehydrated and they also suspected pneumonia. Got sprung this morning after a night of IV antibiotics and fluids.... feel pretty good now :D

Take care,
Now stop that immediately!

I do hope things are on the mend now.
Good to hear from you and yes, it's been awhile. :)
Hi Zazzy,

I was just thinking about you this morning and noticed I hadn't seen you post in a while. Then I come on-line and see your post.
Wow, glad to see you are okay, and doing well. A person just never knows what can happen huh! You've certainly been put through the wringer the past few years, but sure came out on top. A real trooper you are!
Hope that things will be back to normal real soon.


Congenital Aortic Stenosis
AVR's 8/7/00 & 8/18/00
St. Jude's Mechanical
Hi Zazzy-

Good to hear from you. And I'm so glad they straightened you out and you're feeling well now. After you've been through a lot of stuff, surgery, even simple stuff, just isn't easy any more. But you're out of the hospital and that's a good thing.

Don't be such a stranger.
Glad to hear that you are doing MUCH better. You gained a couple stripes for your last experience. No fun to have surgery after valve replacement.

God Bless!

John & Joann
Just take care now. Glad you are out of the hospital and getting better. And glad you are back here posting. Missed you.

Aortic Valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
My Dear Zazzy - I knew you hadn't been on for awhile - thought you were still painting gingham checks! LOL Sounds like you had some pain symptoms to get you where you ended up. Hope that one more time they have patched you for awhile. How many more places could they go??? You will soon look like a quilt if they don't stop!!! Do take care of yourself as it is scary when you get sick. You are a kind and special person to us and we wish the BEST of health for you. Ann - God bless
I tried to tell the doc that pain was caused from Gleevec, but he would have nothing of it. He reminded me that I was hospitalized three years ago for same pain and told me that it was high time it was taken care of. Darn that man has a good memory! lol

Thanks everyone for the well-wishes.... I appreciate it!

Well Zazz....enuf already!!! lol.. I e-mailed you..hope you got it...Please take care and NO more hospital or new problems!!!

Good to see you again........

Good to see you again........

Hi Zazzy,

Good to see you back on the forum again. I haven't been online much over the past few weeks but did notice your absence.'s summer in Ireland and we just like to take advantage of the odd flash of sunlight so it's the time of year to do all those yard/garden jobs.

Glad to know that you have crossed yet another hurdle and come out smiling.
I sure hope you don't have to have anymore surgeries. You are a rival for Nancy's Joe. Get better soon, and stay out of hospitals!
