Be Grateful For All We Do Have

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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2002
The one thing that brings us all together is a thing that could adversely affect all of us but instead it has made us stronger. Not always physically stronger but definitely mentally stronger.
I recently attended my 20 yr. high school reunion. I only went because a dear friend came in from Nebraska and guilted me into going. Now, I am glad that I did go. I saw people that I had not seen since I graduated. Seeing them was really good for me. I now realize how lucky I have been, bad heart valves and all.
I saw a 200lbs football player who has become a 110lb quadraplegic, a braindamaged MIT scholarship graduate who barely knew his own name. These were two people who I knew pretty well at one time. Looking at them really put my problems in perspective for me.

No matter where my life goes now I know that it is and has been good inspite of a few bumps in the road. How many other people can say that they have been a nurse and hated it, became a teacher and love it and would not change a thing.

Hey Letitia - last year my graduating class of 1950 had a reunion, got names, emails of as many as possible - and set up a site where we can all go to post and check in with each other. Most of them I can't even remember names, much less faces. But I dragged out the old yearbook that's falling apart now and every time I look up a face (again) a bit more memory returns. It is really amazing, as you say, to see what has become of our old friends. We have lost many, we have many who have gone from poor to riches (one built the largest ob hospital in the country). We have many who still have going careers even at the grand old age of 70. I am writing to one who was a very poor kid, managed to get a law degree, went on to become a judge; he is retired, but volunteers his legal services. He is just returning from a two month stint on a carrier in Japan(pacific) where he was teaching a two-month class to pre-law students in the service. One classmate is is a wheelchair and she and I are able to uplift each other. Yes, aren't we lucky people and to be able to go back in time to touch bases with those we used to know; it is just great - makes us very thankful for what we have.