BAVR With Triple Bypass on 9/24

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Finally got the pre-op testing completed last week at The Cleveland Clinic. Met with the surgeon Dr. Lars Svensson and informed him of my valve choice, which was a Carpentier Edwards Bovine Pericardial tissue valve. He agreed with my choice and said the valve should last 20 years in someone my age (64). I was also informed that the surgery would include a triple bypass, which was a surprise to me and my family. Dr. Svensson said there was evidence of advanced coronary artery blockage and now was the time to "fix them while I am open". I agreed. Dr. Svensson said the by-passes added no additional risk to the surgery. Dr. Svensson estimated the time for surgery at 5-7 hours.

The pre-op testing also confirmed that I have a bicuspid aortic valve and that the valve is highly stenotic. The opening is now down to 0.6, but the good news was my aorta has not dilated and is just 4.1.

After weeks of researching information regarding AVR I think I am finally ready for the surgery. I am still very anxious and nervous (as is my family) but given the present circumstances, have no choice but to go forward. I want to thank everyone on this site for all the information and encouragement and look forward to posting "on the other side of the mountain".

By passes are often done in conjunction with heart valve surgery. As long as they are under the hood they might as well fix everything.

Being anxious and nervous is normal but it sounds like you are well prepared for the journey over the mountain. Best wishes, Doug. I look forward to hearing about your journey from the other side of the mountain.
Waiting IS the hardest part! So glad you have found this site to be helpful. I know I sure did! Many people have had extra work done. I took my valve down to .53!! Wasn't intended, but there it was. Be advised not to do ANY heavy lifting or turbo start-ups which would shoot your blood pressure up suddenly while you are waiting.

It is very hard on the loved ones. It is a worrisome thing. But it is the right choice to go forward because your life will actually improve with a successful surgery. You are going to one of the best heart hospitals in the world. All is good.

Remember to take those pain pills right on time for the first week or more. The drugs are wonderful and I can honestly say, that beyond a stiff discomfort and general achiness (like you're coming down with the flu type aches) there just was no pain, as I would have expected. My whole experience in the hospital was phenomenal. My anesthesiologist was joking with me as he wheeled me into the OR and still making me laugh as he put me under.

Optimism, trust and faith are your best friends right now! Don't forget to pack them!!

Looking forward to moo-ing with you!

:) Marguerite
Hi Doug,
I understand your anxiety, but don't have done your research and made your choices, now is the time to sit back and let the docs do their stuff. You are ready!!
Enjoy your week, best wishes.:)
Hi Doug! My mom had her mitral valve replaced with a triple bypass to boot at age 64 too. Her valve was really bad-she waited too long to have the surgery. But she is so glad to have had it done (she will be 67 next week) You will do just great:) Best wishes for a smooth and uneventful recovery-Deb