Bad storms

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are ripping thru our area,any one in Pensacola please check in,a tornado hit there,love the pup
We had round two go through here last night. My daughter and her husband lost power Thursday night and still had none yesterday evening. Kentucky was getting hit hard late last night so we'll see if Wise checks in.
Glad you're ok Yaps.
Hate the violent stuff but sure could use a lot of rain.

Was supposed to drive 40 miles to a meeting today but decided this is not a good day to be on the road.

Stay safe, everyone!
Mary said:
We had round two go through here last night. My daughter and her husband lost power Thursday night and still had none yesterday evening. Kentucky was getting hit hard late last night so we'll see if Wise checks in.
Glad you're ok Yaps.

The bad stuff bypassed our town. To tell you the truth, I've haven't even heard the news today. I'm sure there was a lot of damage in north central Kentucky. I did hear of one fatality last night. I was going to turn the television on and keep an ear open through the night, but we fell asleep and woke up to a town unchanged. Thank God.
There were eleven tornadoes in Michigan last night. Three people were killed.
Nothing around our area but this is extremely wierd weather for us at this time of year. No frost on the pumpkin so far, it will be sunny and 76 degrees here this weekend. This is springtime weather, not fall.
Maybe it really is global warming.
we had the same thing Yaps had but no touchdowns. Our rain finally stopped at noon today. No damage that I can see but I did hear something hit our roof but doxn't see anything that might have caused it. Sally Sue ventured out to do her thing this morning, but came back and refuses to go out there again.

I thought of you Yaps, knowing you were getting what we got - and much more. Seems like hurricane again! Over much quicker, tho.
My sister lives in Pensacola, and my parents live in Louisville, KY. They both got hit hard yesterday, but they were OK. Pensacola got it the worst. Over ten inches of rain. I wish we had a little of that (the rain) here in North Carolina. This is the strangest fall as far as weather goes that I've seen in a long time. LINDA

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