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Sometimes we seem to have such a full plate and then life deals us more....I am so sorry to hear of your news...I can only imagine what you must be going through...please continue to post and let those of us here share our love and strong, stay strong, and look to the Lord for all His help. I wish the very best for you in the days and months ahead. There is so much advancement in the world of cancer treatment...please consider the glass to be half love and prayers are with you and your family.
Thank you all, again. It is 48 hours now, and I am still reeling from the news. I did speak to someone at theUCLA beast center today who reassured me that things were being handled well at Kaiser. I have been scheduled for my 2nd surgery on 11/3 (8 months to the day since my Ross!). They have to go back to the original lumpectomy site and take a bit more tissue. The margins were clear, but close. I will also have the sentinal lymph node test. If all is clear, then radiation is on the horizon, and I am stage one. I have already spoken to 3 of my friends who've gone through BC, also. OF course, everyone is different, and everyone has an opinion and adivce. I don't want to be overwhelmed, but I want and need to be informed. I would love to be in touch with anyone here that got BC afater their OHS.
Al-Congratualions for being such an amaning survivor. Unbelievable. My doctor intends on shielding the heart. Thank you for the heads-up!
Georgia- You too, are a tough cookie, it seems. It is a burden for sure.
Bryan-Once again, I thank you for your endless support. I will be in touch. Hope that chest is feeling better!!!!
Gina, Bonnie, Vicki, Bob, Karlynn, Glenda, and EVERYONE taking the time to post, bless you. I love you all. :)
Hi Candy...

Hi Candy...

Prayers going out your way there on the West Coast Candy for smooth sailing through your treatment protochol. You'll join a long list of survivors -- my younger sister being one of them checking in at sixteen years now.. :p

Keep the faith... We know you can do it!
Candy, what terrible news - especially so soon after your OHS. I hope your friends that have been through this already (including the lovely ladies here) are able to give you plenty of their support and advice. Yes - we are all different, but it's great to know we have people who understand first hand what we are going through.

I'll be sending positive thoughts and best wishes your way....


With all the support from friends, family and of course, I can only add that my prayers are with you and yours.

As we say in Boston "Keep The Faith".
Fellow Ross patient

Fellow Ross patient

Hi Candy

So sorry to hear about your cancer news. That's tough to deal with after the journey of recovery you've been on in recent months. We actually share the same 'Ross' birthday - I had my Ross also on March 3 this year here in Melbourne, Australia!

My prayers and the prayers of many will be with you as you go forward into the weeks ahead. My Mum had breast cancer in her late 40's and survived another 25 years before she passed away from an unrelated illness two years ago. I know the treatments nowadays have improved dramatically since then and you will have the best of care.

Kind regards

Grant Stewart
Dear Friends, I have been feeling very poitive the past few days. But I just had a huge meltdown after a phone conversation with my sister (whom I adore) touched some nerves, and I fell apart. So I came her to find more wonderful posts from all of you. Thank you. Just as with the vlave rpelacement, my research is empowering, but also frightening. Tomorrow I do pre-op. Another long day, but you all know about that! :rolleyes:
How interesting that we shar the same anniversry. And how do you feel 8 months post-op? Thank you for sharing about your mother. Very kind.
My girlfriends are rallying around, for sure. My son's kindergarten teacher is an 8 year survivor, too.
Keep your fingers crossed. I really hope that chemo is not suggested. Pk, I am gonna go cry a bit more, and go teach my ballet class! I love this site!!!!
Candy, this is such a traumatic time for you. My "heart" goes out to you. Please know that the women on this thread that have gone through and survived breast cancer are here for you and you can share every thought and fear with us, even the worries and the questions. It's also okay to cry.
Hugs and prayers are coming your way!
Thank you Glenda. After yesterday's meltdown, I went to teach ballet and thouroughly enjoyed it! I worked my students extra hard! :D
I am still in search of women who have had breast cancer after thier OHS.
Love to all,

Good luck with your surgery tomorrow! I'll be praying for the best possible outcome. You're a tough're going to make it through this challenge.

Please let us know how it turns out as we'll all be worrying until we hear from you. :)
surgery is over!

surgery is over!

Thank you Nancy and Bryan- I found your posts today after my surgery, and they made me smile. It was an early morning, and I am groggier thatn the last time because of a general instead of local. But they were able to take only one lymph node (yay) and take out another 1/2 cenimeter from the "hole". NOw I need to to wait for the results. I should know about he margins in the lumpectomy in 2 days, longer for the node. I am so glad to have this behind me. Thanks again for caring.
So happy this part is past you. I will be praying that the info to come is good news and you can get through this without much more pain and stress.
Keep us posted and remember to smile :) whenever you can.
I'm happy that part is now over for you. I hope that you get the best possible outcome. Take care and know you're in my thoughts and prayers.
Hi Candy,
Glad to hear that you are now past the surgery...we pray that good news will now follow,
Chris and Yolanda
So glad your are past the surgery and sending all our best wishes your way!