I know PERSONALLY, for a fact, that you are in MUCH PAIN with pericarditis! It is even more painful than the surgery itself! It made my recovery MISERABLE!! As I have posted before, I am still on low dose pred. Most likely will be for life. However, that does NOT mean that you will be. Everyone reacts differently. After over 50yrs of valve replacement, you would think they would have a much more efficient way of dealing with this problem! I am tired too, of hearing from cardios, "its from the surgery". All I can say is, the medical community does indeed need to do a significant amount more research into this long term complication. Also, my cardio (after prescribing every type of med there is) started me on 60mg. I then proceeded to go down gradually from there. I had to decrease the dosage faster then the Dr would have like, BUT I just could not handle that high a dose, for that long. I was taking xanax with it too!
Good luck Michelle, and PLEASE hang in there.