Back to ER w/ crazy rhythm

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Michelle D

Well-known member
Jun 14, 2010
I have pleurisy or chest wall inflammation and also these crazy heart beats. I normally have PVCs but now my heat is going beat - beat -beat - BEATBEATBEATBEAT. It's scaring me I'm not sure if it is VT or SVT or atrial flutter. It's scaring me so when my husband gets home I'll be visiting the ER for the third time in five days.
it's always something isn't it? we just can't get a break after heart surgery! just when you think the surgery will be the end to your problems, a few new ones pop up :(
I've been in rough shape, I'm unable to get my resting heart rate under 100 bpm. This pain is difficult to control, I don't know if I have an infection so I'm taking z-pack. And my d-dimer came back positive but they didn't see any blood clots in my lungs. The pain is unbearable and now I'm really wishing that I never had to have surgery.
Sorry you are having these problems, but it is not that unusual ... I know it's hard but keep in mind that you are only about three months post op and many take about a year to fully recover ... My surgery went well and my recovery was "fairly" smooth ... I developed fluid around the heart about two weeks post op and could hardly walk across the room ... when that was resolved the anemia kicked in and back to the hospital I went for a transfusion ... back on track and going pretty strong when a-fib reared it's ugly head and off to the hospital I go to be cardioverted (shocked) back into rhythm ... all these were alarming but really minor and common bumps in the road ... try and stay upbeat ... it will get better!
Michelle - I hope you finally get over the problems and back to healing and being active. Sorry you are having so many bad things happen. I had a-fib and fast heart beats too. I am back on Amiodorone. I guess it takes a long time to get well. Good LUck.

This is starting to make me sad. I could have a blood clot somewhere, I might have a blood infection, and all I can so is wait. My hear rhythm has gotten bad enough to meet with an EP and have a study done.

Do not give up!! I had pericardial effusion, and a pericardial window done. I was home not even 24hrs, when they admitted me for the window. I then had to deal with the dreaded pericarditis! Still on lose dose prednisone for that one! Several people, I uderstand have had trouble with that. The lastest is,mild pulmonary hypertension. That was under the summary part of my latest echo. The echo was normal though. So now I have an appt with my cardio to discuss how to proceed with it.

Please try not to get too depressed, or stressed out. I realize it is difficult, but you must stay focused on your full recovery. It does take time for some people. Everyone's body reacts differently.

Take care, and please let us know what happens.
I sometimes feel like I'm dying again. My d-dimer was really high so I could have a blood clot floating around in me. These new series of PVCs sometimes make me wonder when I'll have sudden cardiac death. It's like my body is spinning out of control.
Michelle, let me get this right, you were at your cardio, whom I suppose you trust, less than two weeks ago and she told you that your heart was normal ( Now, since that time, you think you have "pleurisy or chest wall inflammation" and "I could have a blood clot somewhere, I might have a blood infection". That's an awful lot in basically a week. Can I ask why are you going to the ER, 3 times in 5 days, instead of involving your cardio? Your cardio knows you and your situation much better than any ER Dr. is going to. Why are you not on the phone to her right now? I'm sorry, but if my cardio seriously suspected all of that with me, he'd have my butt in the hospital. Did they put you on coumadin for your blood clot? If not, why? Did they start anti-biotic treatment? The minute my cardio even suspected an infection when I was 6 weeks post op, not a second was wasted in getting me in the hosptial and starting antibiotics. It's not something you wait around to see about after heart surgery.

I think a consult with an EP Dr. would be a great idea for you. Finding a way to get rid of some of your PVC's may help you feel significantly better.

I seriously hope none of the above is going on with you. I really think you need to find a Dr. help you get to the bottom of your problems.
I just spoke with my cardiologist this morning. She thinks it could be Dressler's syndrome again and the inflammation is what caused the d-dimer to increase. She doesn't believe that I have a blood clot. Also she is sending me to Dr. Pinski at the Florida Cleveland Clinic for an EP study. She wants me to call her every day until this inflammation is resolved. If I'm not in less pain by Friday she will start me on a low dose of Prednisone. The hospital internist started me on a z-pack while I'm waiting on the blood cultures.

Well I'm going to get loaded up on ativan.

Sorry Pat to hear you are back on amiodrone, next time that happens ask about Sotalol.

I know PERSONALLY, for a fact, that you are in MUCH PAIN with pericarditis! It is even more painful than the surgery itself! It made my recovery MISERABLE!! As I have posted before, I am still on low dose pred. Most likely will be for life. However, that does NOT mean that you will be. Everyone reacts differently. After over 50yrs of valve replacement, you would think they would have a much more efficient way of dealing with this problem! I am tired too, of hearing from cardios, "its from the surgery". All I can say is, the medical community does indeed need to do a significant amount more research into this long term complication. Also, my cardio (after prescribing every type of med there is) started me on 60mg. I then proceeded to go down gradually from there. I had to decrease the dosage faster then the Dr would have like, BUT I just could not handle that high a dose, for that long. I was taking xanax with it too!

Good luck Michelle, and PLEASE hang in there.
Kathy, it really is a bummer to deal with this. I was supposed to be studying for my midterm but I've been having to take vicodin for the pain and can't stay awake. I'm not sure how I'm going to live like this. On top of it I'm freaked out that my cardiologist wants me to see an EP really soon. It's like my rhthym is progressively getting worse. I went from having PVCs trigeminy to bigeminy, now triplets, and a-flutters. Ill probably have ablation soon, I hope with every ounce of my being that it is successful. I really want to have a normal life that doesn't included fear of my heart spazzing out on me.