It took a day for me to finally go to the lab for testing (I know, I should have just wasted Monday waiting for the lab to take me). My discomfort from the lack of respiratory efficiency appears to have been compensated for by an increase in blood pressure. Unless I bend over, I don't even feel any respiratory difficulty.
Blood cultures may take until tomorrow (I'm not sure if they take two days or three).
I'm trying to finish things up (as much as I can) today -- bringing stuff that I've already gone through to the hotel, writing instructions to my wife on how to do certain things that I've been taking care of (paying bills, etc)., signing over pink slips in case she wants to sell one or both cars, and other things, just in case things don't go well once I finally have myself checked out at the hospital (I fully expect to be admitted, to possibly have a bronchoscopy to confirm what the hell it is), and a round of antifungal - if I'm lucky, I can maybe get a prescription for antifungal meds (if the lung spots are caused by what I think is causing this fast growing thing (my lungs were clear in July - the stuff has invaded my lungs quite a bit (if my glance at the CXR was correct), and will continue its invasion until I get this taken care of.
Now - back to work for as long as I can.