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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2002
Well, I went to the electrophysiologist today. I THOUGHT I was just going in for a pacemaker evaluation and possible loop monitor because of the episodes I described Monday. However, when I arrived I was taken in to have a stress test done. Why is it that I NEVER am wearing the right shoes when they want me to do these tests?? So I walked the treadmill barefoot. Nothing terribly interesting happened, except I was EXTREEMLY short of breath through the whole thing. I only managed to go for just over 6 minutes. It was set to increase speed and incline every 3 mintues, and when it hit that third level I just couldn't go anymore. Oh, and I had a couple of "missed" beats. But other than that, nothing major.

Then I went in to have the pacemaker interrigated. The pacemaker records ekg readings from up to a certain number of episodes (I'm not sure that number). But it didn't record anything on Monday (of course). However, there were quite a few short episodes that were recorded, so the tech printed them out to look at why I was "mode switching." She didn't see a reason for the mode switch. So the doctor came in, and SHE didn't see a reason either. So they called in the Medtronic rep and HE couldn't quite figure it out. So he called Medtronic's offices, and FINALLY we got a sort-of answer. They reprogrammed a few things, and hope it will take care of everything. They still aren't positive on my skipped beats from Monday or the stress test, but they think my heart may have gone "Wankybonk" (Yes, that IS the actual medical term!). My vague understanding is that the heartbeat picks up due to exercise, but then suddenly drops. I know the pacemaker can cause this if you reach the top limit, but I did't hit that. The medtronic's guy said he thought the pacemaker may have felt that the rate was picking up speed TOO fast. I'm not sure, but it didn't record it as a mode switch, so they aren't sure either. At any rate, after a half our of various people trying to figure me out, the decided to try reprogramming it and to have me on a loop recorder in case it happens again. At least I know I'm not crazy. :)

THEN, my regular cardiologist had called the EP's office to tell me she wanted me to come in and have an echo, while I was in the building (well, hospital complex, anyway). My card has just opened her own practice, after being in a partnership for several years. Yesterday was her first day of independant practice. So when I came in they were still trying to figure out some things. I got to meet my card's husband, and new office staff, and try out their new echo machine. A fun time was had by all. ;) I was almost late getting back to work, but made it just in time.

So now I'm wearing a loop recorder and by tomorrow my skin will be super raw in the spots where the patches are. But I have to wear it for 30 days! Or until they figure out what is going on. Whichever comes first. Yippy. :rolleyes:

Well, I've gone on long enough. Hope all is well with the rest of you.

There is a type of EKG pad made for people whose skin is highly sensitive. I believe they have Blue Centers. Ask for those next time.
Hope you get everything straightened out !
