I agree with Luana based on my experience. The TAVI procedure was only recently approved for those that cannot tolerate any kind of surgery, i.e. too old, weak, sick. I understand the clinical trials will be widened to accept those in a healthier condition sometime in the future. Once the trials are completed, then I understand this procedure will be the gold standard in the future.
Before my AVR, I did a lot of research regarding the less invasive approach but as it turned out my local hospital only performed the traditional OHS. Once my angiogram showed I was a candidate for the minimally invasive surgery, I insisted that I be transferred to a hospital that did this type of procedure. In retrospect, it was a shame that this type of information was not made available to me - I had to do the research first. As an FYI, I had no problem with Medicare transferring from my local hospital to Keck Hospital at USC, Los Angeles. In fact, I understand minimally invasive surgery costs less so Medicare is happy to comply. Nita
July 21, 2013, Minimally invasive Aortic Valve Replacement, 21 mm St. Jude porcine valve, septal myomectomy, Age 73. Keck Hospital at USC, Los Angeles, Ca. Dr. Cunningham, Surgeon