AVR Reoperation in 2 weeks

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I am scheduled for a reoperation of my aortic valve in 2 weeks. I am returning to my original surgeon for the procedure. This time I will probably get a mechanical valve so that (hopefully) I will not face a 3rd surgery.

When I arrive at the hospital, I will be admitted to to CICU so that a "balloon pump" will be inserted. Has anyone ever had this done? This is to "rest" my heart, prior to the surgery the next day.

When I had my surgery 15 years ago, my friends here donated blood for me. This time I have been told this is not such a big issue, as there is better screening of blood now. Anyone have experience with this?

I am trying to stay busy so I don't dwell on my upcoming surgery too much. Also, I try to relax (hah!) by using the guided imagery tapes that were recommended on this site.

Along with my husband and a close friend, my three children as well as their spouses will travel to Alabama to be with me. Any advice for my family? Of course, I have told them about this wonderful site.
Rachel, I am so glad to hear from you. I really like hearing from people who have gone through two operations. Where did you have your surgeries?

I debated about going to Cleveland Clinic since they are "number one", but decided to return to my original surgeon, since he did such an outstanding job the first time, in my opinion.
Brenda I also replied to your e-mail.

UAB is ranked #13. Do a Google Search for Dr. Pacifico. You should find a Birmingham News article that basically states that he 'walks on water'. I believe that Dr. Pacifico and the elder Dr. Kirklin were recruited from Mayo Clinic to begin the Heart Hospital program at UAB. Sue (SJJ) had Dr. Pacifico do her VR as well.

I too had a 'balloon pump' prior to my AVR at UAB (which was my second OHS, following Bypass Surgery in HSV, AL). The procedure is similar to a heart catheterization. NO BIG DEAL as I recall.

I looked into 'self donation' and 'friend donation' and was told there was an additional CHARGE for that process! I was also told that screening of the blood bank is much better now and blood born illnesses are 'rare'.

I recommend that you opt for a room on the regular heart surgery recovery floor (that's where the LONG TIME Heart Nurses are assigned) rather than the opulent 9th floor '5 star hotel-like rooms' (which cost a pretty penny more).

rooms at UAB

rooms at UAB

have the rooms changed since the new hospital opened in Nov, 2004?

so, you're suggesting the "suite" rooms do not have as good nurse care?
When I had my AVR in 2002, the adult heart recovery rooms were being remodeled so patients were sent either to the pediatric heart care unit or to the 9th floor suite rooms if there was an overflow. I was told that the nurses on the 9th floor were trained to care for all types of patients.

I had an A-Fib event while on the 9th floor, the nurse did the 'digoxin protocol' 3 times (to no avail) and sent me to ICU. Wouldn't you know, I converted to Normal Sinus Rhythm on the way over to CICU? I went back to a room in the pediatric unit where I met several of the 'old time' nurses who had been with the heart team since day 1 (mostly on the night shift, interestingly. I suppose because they had less 'supervision' and could 'do their thing' without being bugged).

Things in common

Things in common

I had a mechanical put in. It wasn't my first choice but it's probably the right thing.

I found the hypnosis kind of tapes REALLY helpful. My second day in ICU was rough and I thought I was having a bad time. I popped a CD in and was sleeping after an hour. I know I never would have slept if it weren't for the CD.

I found overall the experience wasn't as bad as expected. My second day was my last day of feeling crappy and from there I just got better and better.

I hope you have a similar experience and with a valve working well, get the oxygen and energy you need.

Thinking of you,
Dave C
Guided Imagery

Guided Imagery

Will I be able to listen to my tapes with an old fashioned "walkman" in ICU?
The blood donation thing may be a no-big-deal. My surgeon wouldn't allow me to pre-donate my own, and when I asked about providing some from friends, he looked at me as if I suddenly had a third head. "Why would you need blood?"

So, ask your surgeon. He may say the same thing.

I will someday be going through a reoperation, too, so you know my thoughts will be with you.

Best wishes,


Years ago blood was a big part of the problem with OHS. That was because the first heart-lung machines had a lot of tubing that took 10 to 15 pints just to prime the machine and then so much was wasted. My first and second operation, needed 30 people standing by to give fresh blood. It was a real burden on my mother and the local Red Cross to organize everything, especially because they could only use AB - blood(the rarest type)! My third
surgery, I was relieved because they only needed 8 pints and the hospital took care of it. My last surgery, they needed ZERO. Between blood sparing and blood recycling techinics there is usually not the need for blood today.

I hope this story will help to remind people how really lucky we are that modern medicine not only saves life, but how much the whole experince has been made much easier.
RCB just about covers the whole history of heart surgery. What a resource.
In 1998 I had 2 pints of my own blood stored plus blood from wife and one daughter. My surgeon said I really didn't need any blood but gave me one pint of my own because he thought it wouldn't hurt. My best friend in med school( class 1952) developed mitral regurg and visited Cleveland about the time RCB had his first operation. He declined surgery telling his wife that it was too risky and that he would just work as long as he could. He had 5 kids. Died 1972.
I had the balloon pump installed the day before my surgery to take some of the strain off my heart. As was said before, they place it in your right leg in just about the same location they do a cath. They doped me up enough that I had no pain from the procedure, just the pressure thing. I had strange feelings in my back that night after the pump was started. Felt like something was running back and forth across my back. Nurse said some people feel this when the pump is installed. I don't even remember them removing it.

The CICU unit is in the newly constructed wing at UAB. I was there from Jan 18 thru Jan 22 when I was moved to the 5th floor pediatric heart care unit. I think they have completed remodeling over there but I never did see the "adult" area. I left Jan 27. UAB (I assume that is where you are going based on other postings) is a large hospital complex covering almost 12 blocks. Only parking available is pay parking and I don't know how much the wife had to pay.

Blood was not an issue with me, I went with the "stock".

As far as the stay in Birmingham, we stayed at a MicroTel Hotel about six minutes from the Hospital. Rooms were the cheapest in town. However, if you like more upscale then this isn't the place. Everything was clean and well kept but the hotels are the prefab type, short on style. I only stayed there one night because I was admitted early to UAB CICU because of pressures. We were lucky because we had friends that lived just outside Birmingham. My wife and sister-in-law stayed there (while my room accomodations were taken care of) but they spent a large part of time at the hospital.

If you would like I can have the wife E-Mail you with her experiences on the other side of the curtain.

Best wishes and prayers are coming your way. Just go with the flow and you will be fine.

Hi, Brendamarlene. My best to you as you face your second surgery. Make sure to have someone post here afterward so we'll know how you did.
balloon pump

balloon pump

gadgetman, after they insert the balloon pump and you are in CICU, are you awake and aware enough to meet with the surgeon and have family visit?

Thank you to everyone---your info, as always, is the best help

gadgetman, that's weird that we adults are put on the pediatric floor---so can I cry like a baby???
to gadgetman

to gadgetman

would love to have your wife email me with any experiences/advice/info for me or may family re UAB/the surgery---please!

I think my family will be staying at the Pickwick Hotel since it is in wallking distance of the hospital, and it has kitchenettes. I thought that would be easier on the family so they could have some small meals in their rooms.

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