Aunt Died

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I'm on my way to Michigan tomorrow for my aunt's funeral. She died on Sunday of a massive coronary. But, in talking to my cousin just now, she was diagnosed last week with an aortic aneurysm. We still don't know if this was a factor in the coronary. The cardio at Ford Medical Center told my aunt that there was (and I'm quoting here...) "nothing they could do. You have a day, a week or a month so you should get your affairs in order." I couldn't believe it when my cousin told me this. My aunt was relatively healthy but had just been diagnosed with early stage Alzheimer's. I wonder if that was a factor in the doctor's decision. I also wonder if the stress of knowing about the aneurysm contributed to the massive coronary, physically and mentally.

I'm anxious to get back there to find out exactly what happened. But it really makes me re-realize just how lucky my husband was.
Pam, I'm very sorry to read your news. I would hope that the Alzheimer's dx was not the doctor's reasons for saying there wasn't anything they could do. That would be wildly outrageous to take that stance for a woman in the beginning stages of the Alzheimer's. I am wondering why the aneurysm was considered inoperable and I'm wondering if the "massive coronary" is really what happened or if the aneurysm blew. Many people will refer to any heart death cause as a "coronary".

May the memories you share of your Aunt help comfort you and your family at this difficult time.

I am sorry for your loss. Be safe while traveling and I hope you are able to find the answers you seek.

Take care.


I'm sorry for your loss of your aunt..Do you mind telling us her age?My Daddy was dx with a stomach aneurysm..and the doctor's didn't want to operate...However, he lived 10 more years with it...just died of natural causes at age 90.His sister had OHS at the age of 83..Bypass. she is doing great...Will have you and family in my prayers. Bonnie
She was 74. I'm anxious to find out answers. It makes me nervous that if, in fact, the reason not to operate was the Alzheimer's...that's a little too selective to me, especially in light of our older generation having OHS and surviving.

Oh well, I can't dwell too much, it upsets me. I'll know more in a couple of days. I'm more nervous about landing in Detroit at midnight tomorrow - yikes! I know the city in the daylight but have never driven anywhere at night there and I have to drive an hour to get out to Milford/Highland. Should be fun!
I'm just sending hugs..............

I'm just sending hugs..............

prayers, and lots of love. I'm so sorry. J.
Dear Pam,

You've been so helpful and supportive to me (and others with job-related issues) that I sure hope you know and feel the thoughts/prayers coming your way at this time. Very sorry about your Aunt. If you need anything, please let us know.

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker =
chdQB =
"Death tore the pages all away" ... Kenney Chesney ... 'Who You'd Be Today'
Sorry for your loss and my thoughts and prayers to out to you and your family. Take care
Pam, I'm so sorry to hear this. My grandmother died of "complications of Alzheimers" when she was about the same age. She had tachycardia all her life and was never anticoagulated. My mom (who is on ACT for tachycardia) and I have always wondered if her Alzheimers diagnosis was really multi-infarct dementia. In your aunt's case I would have to wonder if she had a chronic dissection going on that caused both dementia and the final heart attack.

All the best to you in finding peace in shared memories.
Much Love

Much Love

Pam, Many hugs to you and your in my thoughts and prayers.