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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
I have a dilemma going on here.

This nut case female feline is in heat again! She just had the kittens 11 days ago and here we go again. I called the Vet and cannot have her spayed until she's done nursing the kittens, which won't be for about another 4 weeks. I'm told she'll be in heat for 9 to 11 days. How the heck do you keep a female cat in heat in the house for 11 days? Anyone provide some information on how to deal with it? I think I already know-Ignore her-yeah, right that's what I'll do, Not!

I'm in deep do do here. :(


Hey Ross, I don't think there's anything you're going to be able to do but grin and bear it. I've been through the whole cat in heat thing before and it's tough, you've just got to put up with her.

It's the joy of having a cat...especially one who is in heat and meowing ALL NIGHT LONG. :)

The only thing I suggest is ear plugs.
There is nothing you can do, Ross. Sorry but that's it. She will yell all night long - and she won't be feeding the babies anyhow. Maybe you can get her fixed and buy some bottles to feed the babies yourself. If you let her out, she won't be back til the deed is done and then you can get her fixed before the pregnancy takes hold too far - but you will still have to feed the kittens but they will soon learn to eat/drink. We will call you Mama.

BTW, you didn't give her any catnip, did you? It throws them into instant heat. I have seen it happen.:D :D :rolleyes:
Ross I am sorry. On the other hand you are scaring me. We are getting our female Birman on Saturday. She's 3 months. Do they have a heat before 6 months:confused: She's going to be an indoor lady. If you look at her picture she looks a bit crazed, LOL. But then again she's playing.
This cat is messed up something awful. She is still feeding the kittens, then she gets up and paces from the windows to the door, stops to get some food and water, then repeats the cycle all over again. She hasn't stopped with the babies, which amazes me. No catnip. She isn't interested in anything but the one thing in life that matters to her right now. This is bizarre. I've never seen any of our other cats do what this one is doing and I've had a lot of cats.

Gina I don't know about what age they start. This one was only about 7 or 8 months old when she became pregnant, so I guess the best advice is to get her spayed asap.
Gina: That kitty is beautiful! I hope she brings you tons of joy.

At what age can my cat be spayed?
The traditional age for spaying is six months, however, this practice has enabled kittens to be adopted from the shelters unspayed. Often the new owner fails to return for spaying and the result is further contribution to the pet over-population problem. The last ten years has brought us a great deal of research into ?early? spaying and we now know that there is no problem with spaying as early as 8 weeks of age. Our hospital finds such tiny tissues difficult to manipulate and we like to spay our female patients when they weigh at least 3 1/2 to 4 pounds.

Now look at this statement-I think February is still winter is it not? If so, I think this statement is quite wrong!

The female cat spends at least half the year with her reproductive tract dormant (cats only cycle Spring and Summer).
Oh Ross,

So Sorry! No I don't think there is anything you can do except let her go through the cycle of pacing and yelling and screaming and kep her and the kittens in a room far away from everyone.

Or like Ann said, let her out to do it and then get her spayed before she's too far along. You will still have nurse those younguns though! I guess now your Grandpa and Mama!:D

Gina, your kitten is adorable! I have two females and I had them spayed at about 6 months I believe. !:) They never went in heat! Thank goodness! Mine are both indoor ladys
Ross, they can go into heat every six weeks.

When Kitten was found, I took her to vet who estimated her to be 4 wks old and I wanted her spayed. He said they don't like to do it before they are four months old, so when she was 4 mos old, I was on his doorstep. Then can do it younger, but don't like to do it, because, as Ross said, the organs are very small and kitten is still a kitten. My vet said they gain about a pound per month, so 4-4 1/2 lbs is about 4 mos old. I think they can go into season at about 5 months, Gina.

But don't give her ANY CATNIP! After she is spayed catnip is ok - it gives them a sort of 'high'.
Thank you, we are very excited!
Kitty is in Green Bay, WI. which is a good 3-1/2 hours north of us. Should be a fun car ride;). What we will do for our pets.

Gosh Henslyee we have all sorts of catnip. Thank you for the tip. Do the little soft toys that are scented with it count? I am a major novice when it comes to cats. If we can keep this thread going it will help us all in need. Hang in there Ross!
Gina I think I found your answer:

Age at puberty - female 6-10 months, as early as 4 months, as late as 21 months :eek:
Gina - any catnip in any form will do it. My two are spayed and love catnip. I keep it in a bottle spray to spray on their scratching towers and posts - it teaches them to scratch on those instead of the couches (works a little bit for this, but not total).

Odd that we haven't had a vet join the site - we have every other profession imaginable, just about, in VR.

Doctor, psychologist, insurance expert (Georgia), lawyer (where's Mara), accountants, marathon runners, teachers, etc., etc. Aren't we the lucky ones.
Thanks Ross and Hensylee,

Hensylee.....liquid catnip? Or are you diluting the greens with water:confused: Don't laugh now....warned you I am a novice. You may see me on this thread very often come Sunday, LOL.

Appreciate the help. It's nice to get off topic:)
Gina, it comes in liquid form in a bottle. Mine is called Whisker Ciy catnip Mist. I found my first bottle of spray in WalMart, then they quit carrying it. My daughter-in-law got two bottles for me at a store in a bigger town and I bet it was a pet store. It is a pump spray bottle - you can direct the spray just where you want it. Be sure not to get on the furniture. As a treat, I spray the scratching post and tower occasionally and the cats think it is just wonderful. The dry kind, I sprinkle on top of the tower (careful not to drop any on the floor). The tower is one of those two-story things with holes in for sleeping or playing, and is covered with carpeting, as is the scratching post. Fun to watch them play in this stuff and they just love it - just not before spaying.
OK, Ross-

This is all your kitty's fault! Max, the neighborhood alpha male cat who weighs about 30 pounds and is a pretty nasty individual has been lurking around our house. I think he knows that inside my computer there is a link to a kitty in heat, LOL. In the middle of the night, he came peeking into the patio door window, and had all my cats hissing, growling, and howling, woke up the dog, and got me out of bed to chase him away. All my cats are fixed, so I just know it's your kitty sending pheromones his way.:D :D

I'm gonna tell him to take a hike to Ohio.
Is Max a big gray fellow? If so, there is a warrant for his arrest and detainment. That might be why he's at your place and not mine. Unlawful flight to avoid prosecution. :D
what a beautiful kitten!
My ocicat male doesn't like catnip, but he adores a small ball of aluminum foil (cheap toy) and also the toys that have interchangable ends that you fling around. His favorite is the end with foil ribbons attached, also the feather one. He begs to play with this toy.
He also loves the furry mice but really chews em up so I have to watch him with these.

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