At the movies: John Q

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Saw the movie, "John Q" starring Denzel Washington last evening and WOW!, it brought back some interesting OR memories. There were some intense heart surgery scenes and it looked like it was shot at Chicago's Rehabilitation Institute (right, Lorraine?). Two thumbs up!

It's ironic that I can almost watch an open-heart surgery documentary, but I don't think I can handle the "9-1-1" special airing tonight.
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Can't wait to see it. Like anything with Denzel Washington in it - he has that charisma that draws people. This movie has caused much discussions about the state of affairs in coverages these days. We all should watch it. Not just heart patients. God bless
surgical imagery...

surgical imagery...

Hi Perry,

I for one can't watch hospital television series anymore without developing strong feelings of sympathy pain :eek:. I used to be a keen follower of ER and Chicago Hope and now I find I can't watch any of them. A few months ago I did manage to watch my way through a documentary on heart transplants without too much pain and serious icky feelings . :cool: and without zapping to another channel.

As far as movies go, I'd really recommend "A Beautiful Mind" with Russell Crowe for those who haven't seen it yet.

I hope all is well with you!

/jessica :D
Hi Perry,

Sounds like a movie I better go see! I'll let you know my thoughts when I do! I don't get squeamish about any of that stuff even after having had OHS!

As for the 911 special, I plan to watch it. I saw a inteview yesterday morning at 7:00am on CBS with the Fench Guys who shot this. They said it was strictly a tribute to the Firemen and all the people who lost their lives. He said there was nothing real gruesome in the film, just all about the firefighters doing their job and of course he does show the towers being hit. He said the only way he could film it all was pretending he was watching a movie through his camera. He felt he showed that the fireman gave it their all and all, like they would have done in any such situation. I believe they were there to begin with, to film a documentary about a drill of what the firefighters do in all emergency situations. It ended up being the real thing and a real tragedy.

I do agree though that at this point and time it is still a very sensitive film. We still have terrorists out there and our situation is far from over. I want to see it because I am hoping these frenchmen are true to their word that we won't being watching the gruesome parts. The WTC going down was the beginning. What followed and how the firefighters handle it was what this film is supposed to be about. If that's not the case I'll turn it off. God Bless America and all we stand for!
911 the documentary

911 the documentary

Its amazing that two French brothers made the best documentary I have ever seen.Those who say we are not producing great young men in this country these day should see this show. People my age are now faddishly called the greatest generation. Don't believe it the present youngsters are just as good or better than we were. They will know how to finish this fight.

I totally agree! I thought the documentary was just great. I had a few of the facts misconstrued when I spoke about this Sunday morning(it wasn't just a training exercise) but I knew it was about the firefighters and not per say about the terrorists. It was very well done. I'm very glad I watched it. All of the firefighters responded courageously, not knowing what they would be walking into next!
I just had to watch it. It was such a tasteful presentation on such a morbid subject. Such enlightenment into how the fire/police work. I have worked with firemen and they are the bravest and hardly ever get recognition. Such dedication and comraderie. Then there was the end of the show when we all heard "Danny Boy" and what emotion it can cause. Do you know the story of the song? Such a tribute from one brother to another. It has always been one of my very favorites and Sunday night it was a true tribute to the firefighter 'brothers'.
I heard teh John Q movie was not that good. i am pleased to hear that Perry liked it.

I love to watch the medical shows. my mom, an RN, says ER is fakey with its medical accuracy. She loves The Practice and I tell her it is so farfetched lawyer wise it's a joke. The only one that is close is that new one Philly, that's is a pretty accurate criminal law show. So it's a draw.
I love Trauma: life in the Er on TLC and the surgery show on the Health channel. I think that stuff is cool. But, then I am a hypochodriac.