I have to agree with everything that has been said here. I have over nine years on my St. Judes aortic valve and the only change to my very active life is I have to take a very small pill every morning. That and now I can use the excuse that I am on warfarin to not eat green vegetables. If you like them, eat them, but I am not a fan of them, and my wife laughs when I say that because now I have an excuse, even if it is only in my mind.
In the nine years I have been on warfarin, I have a spreadsheet of every single INR test I have ever had. I offered to let my general doctor see it a couple of weeks ago, and he chuckled and turned me down. I also am one who self tests and self adjust my warfarin dose. My GP trusts me to do it even though the local warfarin clinic is not a fan of me doing that because "I don't understand what warfarin can do to you" (their words, here in the USA) even though they are not on it.
I was asymptomatic when I needed my aortic valve replaced, but I had known since I was 25 years old that it was needed. I made sure I lived an active life so that I would go into the surgery in as good of shape physically as I could. Well I am over nine years in and I am in my upper 50s and I have just quit downhill skiing because the local ski slope here got over priced for poor skiing conditions. I also kayak fish, I ride my motorcycle as much as I can and I also ride my bicycle often.
My post is getting very long, but the point is warfarin is not a hinderance to a very normal life. I actually feel sorry for a young coworker and a close cousin that are diabetic because of the way they have to live their life compared to the way I live mine. My life is much more normal than theirs, and this is something you will probably not hear anywhere else, so be at peace with your decision. I as well as everyone else here know firsthand the stress you can feel going in to this. I just wish I would have found this place before my surgery to help me feel at ease with my decision. I didn't come across this group until a few weeks after my surgery and I still check in quite often even if I don't post, just for people like you that are unsure of what to expect.