Arrest of the kidnapper

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
upstate New York
I just read a story about the kidnapper of the little Runnion girl. Apparently this man worked as an assembler in a Guidant pacemaker plant.

Joe has a Guidant pacemaker. It just sent chills down my spine.
It's sad.
There are real monsters that walk the face of the planet and anymore, I wonder how many monsters I walk past in one day. :(
Kidnapper Scum

Kidnapper Scum

If he is guilty, he will get his due.

Probably in this life, but if not, his punishment in the next will even the score.

It is amazing to me that last night I saw a 7-8 year old girl roller skating down the street alone.

Parents need to get a clue. My children are never out of site and they require an escort just to go out front and get the mail or take the trash out.

A bit paranoid? I'm sure it is. But I would bet anything the parents of the murdered Runnion girl would give anything to have the opportunity to be a bit paranoid today and have their little girl still alive with them.


Hank, Michele and Everyone!

AMEN! Well said Hank! One can't be too cautious. I don't even have kids but I come from a large family(12) and I have many nieces and nephews and great nieces and nephews, and great great neices and nephews. I realized how precious they all are and I would hope to GOD that the my great nieces and nephews are are supervising their children all the time! Take care and God Bless!
Every time I see that little Runnion girl's picture I want to cry. Last night after watching the story on CNN I went into my 7 yr old daughter's bedroom and just watched her sleep for a bit.

She's a bit nervous about she asked me a bunch of questions about murder and DNA testing.

We spent the whole day together today.
Today I heard on the news something that upset me EVEN MORE! The parents of a little infant boy(about the age of my little guy) strangled this baby and then put the corps in the fire place and burned him. I ask any parent out there, WHY WOULD ANYBODY DO THAT TO AN INFANT??????????They need the death penalty. THey were turned in by a grandparent. Really hits home when you have little ones...
Right on Hank!

Right on Hank!

My husband used to tell me when our boys were small that I was going to make them afraid to walk out the front door. I didn?t escort them to take the trash out... but I knew exactly where they were and what they were doing at ALL times. I?d rather be over cautious than sorry.

And guess what? Both boys are not only fine, but very self confident and amazing human beings! They?ve went away to college, stayed in dorms and lived off campus. They?ve had the good sense to stay away from drugs, etc. and make As and Bs... so I must not have messed them up too much!!

I?m the same way with my now 9 year old daughter. She trusts anyone and everyone... it?s my job as her mom to keep her safe. No matter how much we talk to our children about the bad guys.... we still have to do our job. Children are not adults!

Watch your children!!
hi everyone!
i, too, used to worry about scaring my kids when they were young (and even now in their teens!), but better safe than sorry. you are absolutely right, hank, 2 seconds is too long.
isn't it sad, though, that we have to live this way in what this world has become? we never used to do this or even give it a second thought.... how many of you had your mothers watching out the window or sitting and watching you play or ride your bike outside when you were kids???? joey even had a paper route! i think i'd follow my kid by car if she had a paper route today!!
too bad, huh? says a lot about things today.... sad.
hope you're all well and safe, sylvia
Talking to children

Talking to children

Just came across this old thread and was just telling my 10 year old grandson this summer......NEVER go towards a stranger's car if they try to lure you over to help with a map, ect...NEVER help anyone look for a lost dog..SCREAM as loud as you can if someone grabs you and if you do get lost..Go up to the person who most looks like Granbonny or Papa John..An older person is usually a Grandparent themselves.....Also, my son called me last night. He has been in Law Enforcement 13 years and said, Mama you won't believe what I just saw on T.V. out of Atlanta. This may hit the papers. A kid who grew up with him in school in a very small town in Georgia, honor student, ect. was arrested for molesting 2 of his little League players. This kid (now 32) was married with his own kids) never know who is capable of doing these horrible things to our little ones.:mad: :mad: :mad: The last person you would think of..their Little League Coach:mad: :mad: Bonnie
Those kinds of people always worm their way into childcaring positions, because that's where they can get close to their desired targets. Sick, sick, sick.