H, I know tis is a little late, but my son (who turned 24 last week) has had 6 OHS, not all the same thing surgeries but a couple redos. His recovery for his latest surgeries were better than his earlier ones. Some of that of course was beccause the surgeons have learned so much in the last 25 years as well as how to handle some more of the most common complications. From OUR experience and lots of others i know whose children had multiple REDOs, or were the patient themselves, the REDOs are a little more complicated for the surgeons, especially getting to the heart thru all the scar tissue in some people, but they didnt feel any difference recoverying from the 3rd or 4th than they did the earlier ones, well somethings were a little better when they knew what to expect and the best things to do to handle everything. Hopefully you find the same experience.
Since you (or your husband?) are retired, hopefully this will be the last OHS you need to go thru ad IF this valve needs replaced they will be able to do it by cath.