Well, we are still waiting........
Well, we are still waiting........
PC's office called today to say that the dentist's office was closed for the long holiday weekend, so I guess it will be sometime next week before we hear anything, if then..................grrrrrrrRRRRRR!!!!! Danny, I think I
am going to blow.........seriously!
And, I know what you mean........it's funny, but when people on here and on my ped heart group used to complain about their PC's not getting back to them, I'd sit back and go..........well, I'd never put up with that.............OURS ALWAYS gets right back to us. Shhhhooot.........little did I know............guess that's what I get for being such a smartass!
Our pediatrician is still wonderful and always gets back............wonder if it would do any good to get her involved????........hmmmmm..........couldn't hurt.
And, Gina, you know what scares me about that crap being put out? That could have been
medoing just that very thing..................
IF it were not for this Godsend of a group...........seriously! Think about those parents and patients out there that trust their PC's/cards and their PCP's advice, trusting that they know what's best. It is only because I stumbled upon this group, joined, and have been reading the forums as much as I can, time permitting, and gained invaluable, lifesaving knowledge. Otherwise, I wouldn't have known that stopping Katie's coumadin a day or two out is truly flaunting disaster. MAYBE, we'd be lucky and nothing would happen, but why risk it at all when there is absolutely no need to????? Thank you one and all for being a part of this group and sharing your expertise and experiences.
Niki, I may take you up on that. I've become increasingly dissatisfied with our current one, but we were kind of holding off because we really do hope to move in the next year or so. If we move southeast, then I will definitely be interested. If we move southwest, wellllllllllll, we'd probably stay with Cook's and find another card, but I dunno....................it may be the hospital system that is the real culprit. Thank you so much, though. Hugs.
Cort, hmmmmm..........you know Don is FROM Illinois..........only problem is that it is too blasted cold for me up there.............brrrrr! Did you ever read about our Christmas Illinois RV vacation from Hell..........yes, I used Christmas and Hell in the same sentence, but it really lived up to its name, sad to say.
Much love. J.
Thank you all so much. We are bugging out for the weekend...............course WHO is up packing while everyone else is asleep?
Will let you know when we hear something. Much love. J.