Are you planning on attending the 2002 Reunion?

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Are you planning on attending the 2002 Reunion?

  • Attending and staying at the Lady Luck Hotel.

    Votes: 6 25.0%
  • Attending but staying elsewhere.

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Not attending but will try to make the 2003 Reunion.

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • Not attending.

    Votes: 9 37.5%
  • Still undecided.

    Votes: 4 16.7%

  • Total voters

Hank Founder, Now just a Member
Jun 5, 2001
Mesa, Arizona in the good ole USA
Please select an option to indicate if you are planning on attending the 2002 Reunion in Las Vegas on October 9th-12th.

This will help us plan accordingly!
I'd love to attend, but I'm so broke and it's on the other side of the states from me. Perhaps next year or when it's closer home for me. :(

Would really like to attend but I am scheduled for AVR on the 15th of Aug.

If all goes well count on me being there next year.

I also want to personally thank you for providing this great site. I hope I can shake your hand next year and tell you in person. I'll be the one "clicking"

Sorry I can't say for sure yet. I'm going to have to 'wing-it' as I'm in on- going physical therapy that is job-related and have no idea what or when is next or for how long. I'm still going to try but may have to bunk in someones' room if all hotels are booked by then...LOL! I hope I don't miss it..sounds like great fun!!!

Zipper *~*
Hi Hank,

I would probably not be going anyway, since I've never had any desire to go to Las Vegas, but I just looked at the dates and see that I'll be a little busy. I'm having my hysterectomy on October 10, so... while you guys are livin' it up, I'll be back in the hospital! :eek:
Oh well, since I survived open heart surgery, this should be a breeze, right? And I should be back home by the time you guys all get home, ( It'll probably just take me a little longer to recover).

I would definitely be interested in future reunions though, depending on where they might be held. Have fun! :D Jean
Attending but staying elsewhere

Attending but staying elsewhere

Kathie and I will likely be staying at another site, but we'll be there! We have at least 5 other meetings (family & friends) to schedule during our stay, so we won't be around much anyway.

Hank, are you planning the happy hours (chillin' with the man!), Friday night dinner, etc. to be at the Lady Luck?

I am going to be putting together printed programs (and other printed surprises!) so let me know when the decision is made.

Weekycat, I've already volunteered to organize the 2003 Reunion, Minneapolis style. Wanna help? Note however that I think the group attending the current Reunion gets to vote on the next venue. We'll see what comes up.

How about Chicago:D. It's a big beautiful city. Lots to do.

In any event, I feel we should do Midwest or East Coast location 2003. Cleavland Ohio would not be a bad idea if we could get guest speakers from CCF to attend!
Hi Hank
Yes, I am a big loser. I am blowing my one week of vacation while my in-laws are here from Scotland.
Unfortunately, I can't get any more time off. Plus, we are broke from our new house.
Can we get the 2003 reunion in the mid-west somewhere. I vote for Cleveland or Chi. Chi is cool, but kind of pricey. Cleveland is awsome, super fun and lots to do in the summer. The flats, Jacobs field, etc. Rock-n-roll hall of fame.
Las Vegas

Las Vegas

Hi Hank

Bill and I hope to attend but we will not be able to make a firm decision until mid September, we are expecting an upturn in our finances, and if it comes on time we will join you,

I have always wanted to visit Las Vegas,and meeting you guys will be the icing on the cake

Even making a late decision I am sure we will find somewhere to stay


Jan (Liverpool England)
I can't come this year. I'm a teacher. I get about 2 months off in the summer, a week at Thanksgiving, 2-3 weeks at Christmas, and a week in the spring, but NOTHING in October! I have to save my personal days for cheer competitions with my daughter. I will miss y'all!
what a surprise!

what a surprise!

hi all!
just got back from montauk and took my sweatshirt to wear on the windy beach at the end of the day... unfortunately, we had a major hot spell and i didn't get a chance to wear it.
joey (who seems to hide and shy away from this forum and reunions, etc) LOVED the sweatshirt and may be sharing it with me (it's certainly large enough!).
on top of that, he is actually showing interest in going to the reunion!!!! i am sooo thrilled!
so, no final decisions have been made, but i know he played some golf in vegas earlier this year and loved it, so..... that may be the cheese luring my little mouse!!!
so, i will be in touch as i let him come to this final decision_ i hope we join you all. i am really looking forward to being with you all.
take care, sylvia
Won't be able to come this year. Joe is still recovering from several things happening all in a row, and he can't risk being away from familiar medical help. Hopefully if it's ever in the Northeast, we'll be there.

Sounds like fun!
Sad, but true

Sad, but true

I am really having a hard time with is, as we were looking forward to Vegas since last year. As you know in business, things turn on a dime. Let's 'never say never'.....Anything is possible. Maybe closer to the time things will change. There is an airline out of Chicago that last minute tickets that can be purchased on at regular fare. I may grab myself a room and hold it in the event things change. Really hope they do as I would miss you all! Keep you posted