Are you comfortable with your zipper?

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I am quite comfortable with my scar but then I have had one for over 25 years so it is an old friend. I think it bothered me for the first couple of years because I used to be smaller on top and liked low cut tops and gowns. Also, I was much younger and a little more carefree with what I wore.
I just don't care anymore. People stare occasionally and sometimes ask. At least I don't hear the "you're too young to have heart problems" comments anymore. In some ways I am happy and in some ways I am sad - kinda of like being carded (or not) for alcohol.;) :D ;)


All this chat about scars/zippers, just had to share this tattoo I just saw....
This one's for you DB.......
Because of my CHD surgery as a small child, I have had a scar all my life. But I was cut across my chest for that surgery. Being female, as I grew, my scar landed in my bra and was never seen by the general public. Then I had PVR surgery last year and they cut down my chest on that surgery. Now I have a large plus sign (+) on my chest!

I am still self-consious about my new scar because it does show. I do not like clothing up close to my neck (it makes me feel like I'm choking and can't breathe) so it winds up showing with just about everything I own. I have chosen the "lesser of two evils" and let the scar show because I just cannot tolerate wearing clothes that high up on my neck. Besides, by the time I could replace my entire wardrobe with higher necks, I would be very broke and everyone would be used to seeing the scar anyway! The scar has faded quite a bit and my family says that it is not so noticeable anymore. But as far as I'm concerned, it still sticks out like a sore thumb!
I go back'n'forth.

Sometimes, it'll bother the heck out of me.... Other times, I could care less....

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker =
CD Showcase.8p-11p central.04/28/06,
"Heaven knows how long it's been since I felt so out of place" ... Garth Brooks ... 'Learning To Live Again'


To sum up my original post:
a) A scar is better than a coffin (or cremation);
b) Keloid scars (about 60% of the scar on my chest) are not pretty;
c) Hairy chests hide scars, I don't have a hairy chest & see "b" above;
d) Don't swim with a scar or a tattoo of same;
e) Pull tabs belong on zippers, not on "zippers";
f) People in glass houses shouldn't take Warfarin.

G'night all.


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