Aortic Valve Replacement & Visual Disturbance

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Anyone with double vision??

Anyone with double vision??

I am stunned by the number of patients with visual disturbances. My first episode of double vision was in the hosp. while recovering from my mitral valve replacement. I told the nurse who casually mentioned "if it happens again-let me know"! That was it! I have had over the past nineteen years several episodes of double vision which also are unpredictable. In fact I just had one this morning at the gym! I was able to wait it out (usually just a few minutes), and then I am back to normal. I have seen a neurologist many times due to my migraines. This differs from my aura which precedes my migraines. The neurologist told my cardiologist that this was a form of migraine. I don't buy that at all, but I don't have a clue what could be causing this. I guess some mysteries will never be solved.
Double Vision?

Double Vision?

Gisele, I had a mitral valve replacement three years ago,
St. Jude mechanical. I also had double vision that was sporadic and transient. It scared me at first as I thought something worse was coming. The episodes have gradually become less frequent and now three years postop I havn't had an episode in weeks.
I found that my cardiologist and my opthamologist had no clue. I finally was referred to a neuro-opthamologist . He said the episodes were most likely from small emboli(clots) coming off the valve. He said he would do CT, MRI, etc. if I wished, but they wouldn't show anything. I decided not to test and am OK at least for now.


Wow, all the frustration on this thread is tangible. The more I read, the more I could relate. Some of this stuff, I have never even mentioned to the Docs. Im funny about that. I have had 2 what I call "gray outs", where it appears like Im seeing through fog or maybe smoke. They didnt last long, but it scared the bee jeebers outta me.

I too have read about MS and its causing these types of visual disturbances. That frightened me also, as my Neuro has suggested that I have some symptoms of it. I cannot have an MRI they tell me because of all the metal in my heart. I know I have had TIA's, the symptoms were to the T. Didnt last long.

I finally got sick and tired of being told I was "anxious" or "depressed". Darn straight I am, BOTH on some days. And I dare say anyone with my anatomy would be. Unless they were NUTS. I guess thats when I quit telling the Docs. I know what Im having most of the time. It wont change anything, and Im on all the meds I can be. Coumadin, Dipyridamole and aspirin. I keep my INR within range (most of the time). I figure this is just part of the program. Chin up, I say to myself. And go on.
re: MRI

re: MRI

Ticktock, I couldn't help but notice you said you can't have an MRI. I assume that is because of your valve. I too have a Bjork Shiley (MVR) and had always been told I could never have an MRI. Guess what? I had one two years ago. I needed one due to a subdural hematoma (guess I had too many rumrunners on vacation in FL which brought my INR up a bit). The docs researched it, and it was possible after all. Just thought this might interest you. Gisele
The surgeon wanted to do an MRI on Joe before his last operation, the only reason they couldn't was because he has a pacemaker.

He has a Bjork-Shiley and a St. Jude both mechanical.


When I received my patient card from Medtronic the manufacturer of my prosthetic states that it is MRI compatible. Could be that some of the older models are not?

Gisele...... Sorry to hear about what happened to you after 'too many'. This is the second story I have heard on the forum. Any words of wisdom? First being anything in moderation:p.
What were your symotoms and how high was the INR?

When I returned from Hawaii my INR was 6.5. Not embarassed to say that I averaged 2-3 drinks per day. Heck I was on vacation! Honestly do not think it was the alcohol because I have never had a problem with it. The fruit juices they put in some of these tropical concoctions have been known to raise an INR. Grapefruit and Pineapple to be specific. That was the culprit for me I believe!
How high is high?

How high is high?


Regarding my INR with my subdural. By the time my subdural was diagnosed my INR was in the 7.something range. I don't remember the specific number. I came home from vacation with a headache thinking it was another migraine. (My migraines last for anywhere from 2 to 5 weeks). Then I thought it was a sinus infection because I couldn't even tilt my head forward, pressure over my eyes, and the pain would wake me up in the middle of the night. I was miserable, but I still showed up for work every day. I was working for a group of 8 cardiologists-one of them is mine, and I was doing clinical care which meant I was on my feet running around all day. When I complained to my doc regarding symtoms telling him I thought it was sinus infection he gave me Rx for anitbiotic and decongestant and told me if that didn't start to work in 3 days to let him know. When it didn't work I was sent for a CAT scan where my diagnosis was made and I was admitted. Now, everytime I have a headache that lasts, I end up going for a CAT scan. As far as the MRI is concerned, my valve is an old model. In fact Bjork Shiley is no longer in business. They had a recall on their valves and went out of business. My model fortunately was not recalled. It's still ticking after 19 years which is good because I will never go through that surgery again. At least I hope I never have to face that decision. Every patient is different but the more information we all have the better we can understand what is going on. Hope this helps.
Is a mechanical valve right for you?

Is a mechanical valve right for you?

I just wrote this great short story starring me and it disappeared. So I will try this again, because, well, it is important. Where is the save button?

I begin again by thanking all that contribute to this forum. It has just recently brought me great comfort to see that I am not alone. Two and one half years ago, life changed forever. I would get my ballooning acsending aortic arch replaced and a St. Jude mechanical aortic valve implantation and, and I would feel like the six million dollar man, not. More like six bucks.

I too suffer from double vision, daily visual disturbances and well just lack of zoom, zoom. I have to rest my engine every four hours, nap, or I have an "event". I was a young 44, now I feel like 329 ( dog years).

Has anyone out there gotten some answers for this? Because the surgeon, cardiologist, doctor, nuerologist, boss, cat, dog, wife think I am imagining it all. Can I keep going here or is the complainer gong going to end my story?

No, ok, so I have been MRI ed, nothing, halter monitored to the point of having permanent placement markings, tested for laziness, in your headness etc. etc. You all know the testing drill by heart.

I read that a pacemaker helped out someone? Seriously I just want one normal day, followed by another. Have you cyber friends gotten any answers? or cures?

I want to hear more, write more, lend a hand, offer some advice.

Deedub out.
keep on ticking
I just wrote this great short story starring me and it disappeared. So I will try this again, because, well, it is important. Where is the save button?

I begin again by thanking all that contribute to this forum. It has just recently brought me great comfort to see that I am not alone. Two and one half years ago, life changed forever. I would get my ballooning acsending aortic arch replaced and a St. Jude mechanical aortic valve implantation and, and I would feel like the six million dollar man, not. More like six bucks.

I too suffer from double vision, daily visual disturbances and well just lack of zoom, zoom. I have to rest my engine every four hours, nap, or I have an "event". I was a young 44, now I feel like 329 ( dog years).

Has anyone out there gotten some answers for this? Because the surgeon, cardiologist, doctor, nuerologist, boss, cat, dog, wife think I am imagining it all. Can I keep going here or is the complainer gong going to end my story?

No, ok, so I have been MRI ed, nothing, halter monitored to the point of having permanent placement markings, tested for laziness, in your headness etc. etc. You all know the testing drill by heart.

I read that a pacemaker helped out someone? Seriously I just want one normal day, followed by another. Have you cyber friends gotten any answers? or cures?

I want to hear more, write more, lend a hand, offer some advice.

Deedub out.
keep on ticking

Hi Welcome, I can't offer alot of advice, but HATE when I type post and they dissappear so what I do, especially on a post that is long is copy it, before I hit send, so if it doesn't go thru I just have to paste it and try again.
Also You might want to start a new thread, with every and also what meds you are taking ect since some meds can make you tired ect.

ps to start a new thread, go to whatever forum you would like to post in "Heart Talk" ect and there is a little new thread button to click on.
I had the bentall procedure done almost three years ago, I know what you are going through because I go through these days and moments sometimes. (not as much as I use to) It is really a roll of the dice to when theses symptoms happen. Doctors do not say much and co workers always said all the wrong things. I got so sick of my surgery being compared to bypass surgery. Not saying bypass surgery is a cake walk but it is nothing compared to a valve replacement or a bentall procedure. Just to let you know you are not alone with these spells, I call them my goofy days! Just not all there!
just yesterday-3 mos pos-op-i had what I call my own "vision migraine" I lost partial vision in my left eye for a minute or two with the "grey curtain". I just went into my dark bathroom then lied down for a minute and it went away. And over the years-i have gathered from two different neurologists the following: it is basically a pressure in your head that migrates to the optic nerve putting pressure on it causing you to lose vision. I also had every mri, spinal tap etc known to man to rule out MS or Lymes disease. the only thing they could positively ID was "possible white matter disease" Now if you google that term it sounds scary. but then my internist says that many young peoples brain look the same way and there is no rhyme or reason to it and there is nothing to worry about. ., Yea Yea right i know what you want to tell them right?! they also said maybe maybe it could have been a mini TIA or as a result of surgery , being on the heart lung machine...yada yada yada. botoom line for me is they just dont know so they blow some smoke up your you know what in the hopes that you accept and just go away! I just am ok living with this because i just remind myself they are just human.. they just want to "heal" us in any way they can and if they cant offer up a good enough medical reason then sometimes they end up making you feel worse! Try to find a DR who is straight up and is capable of saying. I dont know. and its ok. And as for research-- i often thought of this myself! count me in if you know any way to find a researcher!

best of luck

Thanks all. Took me a while to actually find any replies. I am so glad that you did! A new thread sounds like a good plan as I learn the system. I find that the patients have more good advice and real experience than the docs can sometimes provide. I do have my own pharmacy under the sink from post op needs. Of course I do not take all of it, at once.

Deedub out
keep on ticking
Thanks all. Took me a while to actually find any replies. I am so glad that you did! A new thread sounds like a good plan as I learn the system. I find that the patients have more good advice and real experience than the docs can sometimes provide. I do have my own pharmacy under the sink from post op needs. Of course I do not take all of it, at once.

Deedub out
keep on ticking

I would start it in heart talk since that is one of the forums (I believe) that everyone checks
BTW if you click on your own name you can find your posts, thats how I find replies sometimes when I can remeber where I wrote something
Too Much to read it all...

Many of our members report "Visual Effects".
Many have had CT scans or MRI's with "nothing found".
Most were told it was "Optical Migraines"
and they 'resolve' in an hour or less (typically 20 minutes).

Personally, I chew a Full (325 mg) Aspirin whenever I get any kind of visual effect with the blessing of my Cardio. They seem to go away in 20 minutes with or without the aspirin. Fortunately, it's been awhile since the last one.

Good Luck getting a definitive answer!