I had my aortic valve replaced in October of 2011 by Dr. Petterson at Cleveland Clinic. I used this forum for reassurance, guidance,and information and went into the surgery with great confidence at knowing what to expect. Now I find I need that reassurance again. My valve has recalcified and I need another valve replacement. I got a tissue valve the first time because I had a history of nosebleeds. Well, after a very short episode of afib/flutter, I have been on coumadin ever since, maybe 3yrs. So at a routine protime I asked the nurse to check my pulse as it seemed off. The dr ran an EKG which revealed AFIB, controlled the DR said with rate under 100. Of course an echo followed which showed severe aortic stenosis. Previous echos had shown some stenosis but apparently it has reached a point of needing another replacement. I have sent my nfo to cleveland clinic and got a call today that DR Petterson is reviewing the info and I should receive a call by the end of the week. I am so much more nervous this time. I was intubated while awake the first time and it still makes me cry to think of it. I also had an issue of coming off the vent due to unknown sleep apnea. Anyways, I need ifo from anyone having a second surgery or any reassurance from any and everyone. I just need to be prepared the best I can and I know you folks on here have firsthand experience. I thank you for taking time to read this.