aortic aneurysm

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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2001
Honolulu Hawaii
Hi everybody, I just found out that my uncle Terry has a 3mm anyeurism under his aorta, and is having surgery for that tomorrow. This is weird, with all my heart problems, I have no idea what that is... CAn anyone help explain it to me?????
Hi Joy,

An aneurysm is a weakness in the wall of the aorta. This weakness gradually expands, and eventually will blowout,(much like a Ballon bubble on a tire), or it will dissect, or tear along the wall. Aneurysms are often called the silent killer, they often go undected. I believe the normal size of the aorta is 3 cm, My doctor is watching 3 different ones on me. According to the doctors I have spoke with, Aneurysms are monitored, and treated with medication until they reach a size of 5 cm. Once an aneruysm reaches 5 cm or better, it is time to take a more aggressive corrective action which in most cases requires surgery.

You can read up on aneurysms at the following sites.

This site is for people that have had aneurysms. It is composed of narratives from those that have survived. Mine is also on there.

This site is from the Mayo Clinic. They explain what aneuryms are on this site. If you have trouble getting there, just go too www.MayoClinic. com and do a "search" for aneurysm.

The next site is from the Marfans Foundation and they have good information on aneurysms and dissections.

Hope this helps. Please e mail me if I can help in anyway. I don't mind, and have much information on aneurysms, since I personally have this condition.

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Rob is right.........just like a bubble on a tire that eventually gets to a size where it justs blows out. Not much anyone can do when it blows. Mine was discovered at a size of 5.6 (ascending aortic anuerysm) My aorta and root was replaced with a conduit (a synthentic) that led to my aortic valve which also was replaced with a St Jude mechanical.

At 3mm it could be monitored but your uncle's drs must have some justification for removing it at this size.

The site that Rob gave you gives a lot of details.
I have to make a correction on my uncle's condition...his aneurysm is almost 9cm. Found by accident because he had pneumonia, and so he went into the hospital and guess what? They found it, and he is having surgery on it as I type. Thanks for the information! It helps to know what is going on with family especially with heart patients! Take it easy!


Hi Joy,

I hope your uncle is doing okay and the surgery on the aneurysm was successful. It sounds like to may have caught it just in time. If so, the irony is the his pneumonia will have turned out to have saved his life!

Ron K


I went to the doctor for a cure for throat spasms after my Mom died last Oct..after several doctors and test they found my aneurysm..Mama..were you watching over me:) :) By the way, I still have burping that the doctors still say is emotional:D :D They came and I suppose will someday go away..:D :D Bonnie