Anyone with knowledge of stomach aneurysm?

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
My 88 year old Dad went to have his aneurysm in his stomach echoed today and it has enlarged from 4.5 to 5.1 in 3 months..My brother said the doctor would call later on today to discuss surgery. My brother also said that Daddy could possibly have a stent put in???Do any of you know anyone who has had this surgery. Any info appreciated. Bonnie..P.S. He lives alone since Mama died last year. He lives in Alabama and me in Ga.

My sister-in-law last year had a blockage of the aorta in the stomach. The Dr. in Boston installed a "stent". Removed the portion with the blockage, and installed the stent. It was quite difficult surgery, over two weeks in the hospital and about 7 of those in ICU. She is 54. Her symptoms would have been much different than your Dad's, but I think the stent procedure would be the same....or at least similar. No one in our area had ever seen this, so she had to go to Boston. Just thought I'd let you know!

hi bonni!
i was thinking the same thing marybeth mentioned. i once had my cardio tell me that ihe could feel my aorta in my stomach area because i was so thin. i guess it can extend that far down....
hope all goes well. all the best, sylvia
Hi Bonny, Yes, my father had an anuerism of the aorat vein or artery(whatever it is ) by the stomach several years ago. They put some netting inside when they sewed it back up...I think that would be similar to a stent. He did just fine with the surgery...he was 77 then...and was up and at least back on track within about 4 weeks. good luck to your daddy.