Anyone Want To See A 3D Echo?

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
This is the first 3D echo I've ever seen and it's of a friends baby. Check out the clarity! I do hope they can replace the T.E.E. with this thing.
Hi Ross!
That is totally amazing. The baby echo is beautiful. I wish they would have been able to have done that when I was pregnant with my kids. I do hope that they will be able to use this technique for other situations as well. Pretty Cool!

Take Care!
My friend John, said he'd send some that they consider 4D which is in motion. If they can do these things, I don't see why they can't replace the T.E.E. with it. As you probably have all figured out, I'm not a fan of TEE's. ;)
Went w/my granddaughter 2 wks ago and they did one of her baby who is due to arrive Dec. 25. We could even tell who he looks like! Mouth from the South, just like his mommy! Good old days are still good old days, but so are the new days.

I mentioned an article about 3-d echo a while back on a thread. This is supposed to be cutting-edge technology. Its on display at a show in chicago. I have seen the old style baby photos ( ultra sound) I never saw anything but black and white, who knows what.
Even I could make that out to be a baby. I'm impressed! Now where did you get it? Were you at that show in Chicago? Know someone that was? Or do you have access to inside info?
Enough questions.. Can you get valve results??

anyway, I like what I saw, thanx:D
Hi mamsram. No, I didn't go to Chicago.

This is a friends baby, due next month, well actually the end of this month. They're from Orange Co. California. I was stunned when I saw the detail of the picture and figured everyone else might like to see it too. I think it holds some real promise for us valve people.